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Resolution 6539
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6500 - 6599 May 11, 2015 - March 14, 2016
Resolution 6539
Entry Properties
Last modified
2/15/2019 1:14:45 PM
Creation date
10/27/2015 8:38:16 AM
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RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6539 <br />conditioned on the applicant providing additional vegetative screening to the <br />adjacent properties. <br />The City Council makes the following findings: <br />a. The Property contains 36,677 square feet (0.84 acres) in area and has <br />approximately 105 feet in width along Smith Avenue. <br />b. The Property is served by sanitary sewer. <br />c. The site layout and the location of the existing home makes it difficult to <br />construct additions that would conform to the RR -1B District standards. The <br />lot is limited for extending rearward due to steep slopes; the shallow rear yard <br />directly behind the house is relatively level due to a retaining wall, beyond <br />which the woods slopes down to a wetland area. <br />d. The existing house is located approximately 33 feet from the street lot line <br />where a 50' setback is normally required. The proposed covered front entry <br />will be slightly relocated at 29.2 feet from the front lot line. The proposed <br />second story will maintain the existing front setback. The garage and <br />mudroom will be approximately 38 feet from the front lot line. These front <br />setbacks are consistent with those of other homes in the immediate <br />neighborhood. <br />e. At the north (left) end, the second story addition will maintain the existing <br />17.5 foot side setback where 30' is required. The visual impact to neighboring <br />properties of the second story is relatively minimal and will not be out of <br />character with the surrounding neighborhood. <br />f. At the south (right) end, the existing conforming detached garage located 13.2 <br />feet from the side lot line will be removed, to be replaced with an attached <br />one-story garage at 10.1 feet from the side lot line where a 30' setback is <br />required. While the visual impact that will be created by the new attached <br />garage location is relatively minimal, existing vegetative screening along the <br />side lot line at the proposed attached garage location should be maintained as <br />a buffer to the adjacent property. <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />
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