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RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />No. b 52 8 <br />3. All areas delineated as wetlands as shown on the preliminary plat drawing shall be <br />subject to the standard Wetland Conservation and Flowage Easement to be granted by the <br />Developer. The Developer is advised that the City -required minimum setbacks from the <br />wetland boundaries and from MCWD-imposed wetland buffers shall be adhered to. <br />4. The Developer shall establish covenants providing that the homeowners association will <br />be responsible for all future maintenance of the stormwater management facilities. <br />5. Developer shall execute the standard Covenant for Protection of Drain -field Sites. Special <br />precautions including physical barriers during construction activity, shall be taken to <br />protect these sites on both a short-term and long-term basis. <br />6. Approval is subject to Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) approval and <br />permits as required. Final plat approval shall not be granted until the Developer has <br />provided evidence that all required MCWD permits and approvals have been obtained. <br />T Vehicular access to the Lots shall be individual driveways onto the new private road to be <br />constructed within Outlot A by the Developer to provide access to Old Crystal Bay Road, <br />with final driveway locations subject to City Engineer/Public Works Director approval at <br />the time of building permit issuance. The road in Outlot A shall be subject to the standard <br />Road, Drainage and Utility Easements to be granted to the City. The Developer shall <br />establish a homeowner's association as well as the necessary road maintenance <br />agreements, etc. to ensure that the private road will be maintained to reasonable standards <br />at all times by a homeowner's association, and that failure of that private group to so <br />maintain their private road will be cause for the City to accomplish needed maintenance <br />and to assess the benefited properties for the direct cost of such maintenance. The private <br />road shall be subject to a "Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Private <br />Roadway Easement" either as a separate document or incorporated into the development <br />covenants. All existing access driveways along Old Crystal Bay Road shall be removed <br />and made impassable upon completion of the new private road. <br />8. Development Fees: <br />A. Park Dedication Fee. The development is subject to the standard Park Dedication <br />Fee requirement. Because the value of each newly created lot will be in excess of <br />the threshold value of $69,375.00 the 8% park fee cap of $5,550 per lot will <br />apply. Park dedication fee will be 4 lots x $5,550 = $22,200. <br />B. Storm Water and Drainage Trunk Fee. The development is subject to the standard <br />Storm Water and Drainage Trunk Fee of $7,680 per lot x 6 lots = $46,080. <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />