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Resolution <br />Exhibit A <br />EXHIBIT *A* <br />Pwcsl A: A eMp of knd In (fOverrrr W t Got 1, Ser.Marr 11, Townshtp 117, North, "a 23, Weer Offt FM <br />PrM*al MerWbn, saki etre d lend hsWro a unNbnrr wkb of aQ Beat wW bounded on the East by the whore of <br />Latae Min- rI'm rlift and an the VftA by the share of Mud or RmW Lake, CaNwMer!}. The N rM wV ane of which <br />eddd 80 W *Mp of land Io described ae k dmw- BaOlrmft at a print on" fed SmMtesata* nmrA d ek M <br />a Ars which bests So& 11Y Emit trmn Me meander oamer of Me NE a0mar of Gwmmnsnt Lot 1, said Section <br />11; thence N 87' and 40 Min East (WW 43 ban EA4;14.3 feat more or low to tis atrore of Dias Mkumlorft <br />fhenoe S BT. 48 Mie W mt (Soulh 07 doome then 46 mirndea Wbo 207.27 ib K mane or lase 10 the erste of <br />Mud ar Round Lela (so4mft ). the 8o*o* bowdwy of said OD trot SW being a In pQaael wgh end OD fiat <br />& d" from and measured at a We OnWe b the Hard" its of abave deacrIt p . w 19 mpjh ihm no abo n <br />dsmcftd SW ft PUMIa hbhway - a mall M said tw:k mownba to the UnN ed 8tdo Oarvarrmsnt eurM thereof', <br />Wope* momme reed not haluded In this ow*wlj <br />ALSO <br />Paroel & The SwAhemk* 37.03 fast of Lot 2, Bbxk 1, aragoniltâ–º Hd4 as ft to the recorded plat MM wW, <br />Hennepin Cain, Mme. <br />