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Resolution <br />Exhb� <br />85 <br />PROPOSID DESC UMONS OF PROPERTIES <br />Proposed Parcel 1: All that part ofthe Northwest Quarter ofthe Southwest Quarter of Section 28, <br />Township 118 North, Range 23 West of the 5th Pmcipal Meridian, lying north ofthe ember line of <br />Comity Road No. 6, except that pact lying south ofthe north 359.77 feet thereof and lying east ofthe <br />west 1022.70 f0etthereot Hennepin County, Mmnesota. Subject to H.C.H. No. 201, Plat 53. <br />Proposed Parcel 2: That part ofthe north 648.00 feet ofthe Northwest Quarter of tale Southwest <br />Quarter lying south ofthe north 359.77 feet and lying easterly ofthe west 1022 70 feet Thereof and <br />the east 208 feet ofthatpart ofNorkwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter lying south ofthe north <br />648.00 feetthe=fsubjectto H.C.H. No. 201, Plat 53. and C.S.A-H No. 6, Plat 5. <br />