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Resolution <br />Exhibit A <br />EXMrrA 6578 <br />DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY BEING SUBDIVIDED <br />%=I 1: All that part of the Northwest Quarte of the Southwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 118 North, <br />Range 23 West of the 51h Principal Meridian, lying north ofthe center line of County Road No. 6, except that <br />part lying south of the north 648.00 feet � and except the West 1022.70 feet thereof Hennepin County, <br />Minnesota. <br />Mr <br />Parcel 2: The east 208 feet of that part ofNorthwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter lying south of the north <br />648 feet thereof and north of the center lire of Coutby Road No. 6, Hmwpin County, Minnesota <br />