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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6502 <br />D. SPECIAL CONDITIONS required for compliance with the ordinance of the City and/or <br />the LMCD. The issuance of this license is subject to full compliance with these <br />conditions. Failure to comply with these conditions is cause for license revocation and/or <br />prosecution by the City. <br />The City acknowledges the historic and continued use of this three -slip multiple <br />dock since the 1960's for the benefit of three designated non -riparian properties <br />within the Bohns Point Addition. <br />2. The City recognizes the easement over Lot 3, Block 1, Bohns Point Addition to <br />provide pedestrian access to Outlot 1, Bohns Point Addition for the owners of <br />Lots 1, 2, 5 and 6, Bohns Point Addition. <br />The three (3) multiple dock slips are designated for use by specific properties as <br />spelled out below, and no transfer of dock rights to different properties within the <br />subdivision of Bohns Point Addition may occur without City approval. Transfer <br />of dock rights to any property outside the subdivision of Bohns Point Addition or <br />to any person who is not a Bohns Point Addition property owner, will not be <br />allowed. Any boats stored at the dock shall be owned by a property owner within <br />the Bohns Point Addition. <br />4. The three properties which are each allowed one slip within the three slip multiple <br />dock are described as follows: <br />3220 Bohns Point Lane (Lot 1, Bohns Point Addition) <br />3225 Bohns Point Lane (Lots 5 and 6, Bohns Point Addition) <br />3230 Bohns Point Lane (Lot 2, Bohns Point Addition) <br />5. This approval grants a 2015 Joint Use Dock License to the Association for three <br />slips. Applicants are advised of the need to henceforth apply for a City of Orono <br />Joint Use Dock License annually. <br />Page 4of5 <br />