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1.Subject property's address is 1400 Bracketts Point Road, Orono, itsproperty identification number is 1111723320020.2.The bearing system is based on the North line of Anderson Additionwhich is assumed to bear North 75 degrees 30 minutes 42 seconds East.3.Field work was completed 10/18/2023.4.The building(s) and exterior dimensions of the outside wall at groundlevel are shown on the survey. It may not be the foundation wall.5.No specific title search for existence or non-existence of recorded orun-recorded easements has been conducted by the surveyor as a part ofthis survey. Only easements per the recorded plat are shown.6.The base flood elevation is 931.0, per Federal Insurance Rate Map No.27035C0308F dated 11/04/2016.7.The gross area of the subject property is 5.302 Acresor 230,952 square feet.NOTESLot 1, Block 2, SOUTHWAYS, Hennepin County, Minnesota.PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONI hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or undermy direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under thelaws of the State of Minnesota. That this survey does not purport to show allimprovements, easements or encroachments, to the property except asshown thereon.Signed this 19th day of November, 2018Marcus F. Hampton MN L.S. No. 47481SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATEThe vertical datum is NAVD88.BenchmarkRim of Manhole in Bracketts Point Road at the northwest corner ofLot 1, Block 2. Elevation = 942.77BENCHMARKLEGENDFOUND IRON PIPEFOUND NAILSET IRON PIPERETAINING WALLTRANSFORMERPOLELIFT STATIONSANITARY MANHOLEVENT PIPECHAIN LINK FENCEBOLLARDCATCH BASINCATCH BASINFLARED END SECTIONSTORM MANHOLEBITUMINOUS SURFACECONCRETE SURFACE2500 WEST C.R. 42, SUITE 120, BURNSVILLE, MN 55337 <br />PHONE: 952.890.6044 <br />PLANNERS / ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS <br />1400 BRAC.ETTS POINT ROAD <br />ORONO, MINNESOTA <br />CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY - FINAL GRADE AS-BUILT <br />FOR <br />BRAC.ETTS POINT PROPERTYDRAWN BYDATEREVISIONSPLM11/19/2018A. 3/25/19: Monuments and siltfenceCAD FILE23601-fls.dwgPRO-ECT NO.23601FILE NO.1-18-059SHEET 1 OF 1James R. Hill, Inc.PAVER SURFACESANITARY UNDERGROUNDSTORM UNDERGROUNDFORCEMAINB. 3/28/19: Review LetterC. 3/29/19: Additional CommentsD. 4/15/19: Ret. Wall ElevationsE. 6/26/19: Foundation as-builtF. 9/26/19: Foundation as-builtG. 11/6/23: Final grade as-builtProposedGarage Top of FoundationHouse Top of Foundation= 952.7First Floor= 954.0Basement Floor= 938.1FLOOR ELEVATIONSAsbuilt= 954.1= 952.7= 954.0= 938.1SATELLITE DISHFLAGPOLEGROUND LIGHTLIGHT POLEIRRIGATION BOXELECTRIC METERGAS METERDRAIN BASINGATE VALVEWATER SPIGOTENTRANCE SPEAKERWELLMANHOLESHRUBDECIDUOUSCONIFEROUSTREE LINEVAULTLANDSCAPE MATERIALRIP RAPGRAVEL SURFACE