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O O CITY of ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF VJ CITg COUNCIL <br /> NO. <br /> SH0 <br /> a. The property was initially developed in 1955 with a single family home; the <br /> existing home and accessory structures were removed/demolished in October 2011 <br /> by a previous property owner. <br /> b. Clean fill material was brought to the site as required to fill the holes left by the <br /> demolition of the home and accessory structures in October 2011 by the previous <br /> property owner to satisfy the demolition permit requirements. <br /> c. The previous owner anticipated that fill would be needed for the Property to make <br /> it more buildable for a larger home. Approximately 360 cubic yards of excess fill <br /> was brought to the site without City approvals and administrative permits were <br /> eventually issued as the fill amount was less than 500 cubic yards. <br /> d. The previous owner subsequently brought additional fill material to the property <br /> without City permits which, when added to the previous 360 cubic yards, exceeded <br /> 500 cubic yards of fill material. <br /> e. The Owners are requesting that the conditional use permit for the fill be approved <br /> after-the-fact. <br /> 4. Planning Commission finds that the land alteration as it exists today complies with the <br /> conditional use permit criteria found in Section 78-916, as follows: <br /> a. The intended use of the Property is supported by the comprehensive plan. <br /> b. Only clean fill was used in conjunction with this project. A survey reflecting the <br /> existing grades was provided to the City Engineer for review; he has determined <br /> the existing site to be acceptable. <br /> c. The Property can be adequately served by well and septic, and the grading is not <br /> expected to generate excessive demand for any public service at public cost. <br /> d. The Owners' septic contractor has submitted a report and determined that the <br /> filling activity on the Property has not impacted the viability or functionality of the <br /> septic treatment sites. <br /> e. The height of a new home and the determination of a basement will be based on <br /> the pre-fill grades as established on the survey by Gronberg & Associates dated <br /> 09/14/2011 attached as Exhibit B. <br /> f. The character of the area will not be impacted as final grades will tie into existing <br /> grades on neighboring properties in a manner that appears as natural and not <br /> contrived. <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br />