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ZONING FILE NO. 12-3578 EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION No. 6 � 7 8 <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES : <br /> That part of the Southeast Quarte�of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32,Township 118 North, Range 23 <br /> West of the 5th Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Southeast <br /> Quarter of the Sauthwest Qua�ter distant 140.25 feet north from the Southeast comer of said Southeast Quarter <br /> of the Southwest Quarter;thence west paraliel with the South line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest <br /> Quarter a distance of 462.89 feet; thence north parallel with said East line a distance of 123.75 feet;thence <br /> east parallel with said South line to said East line;thence south to the point of beginning. <br />