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.� o,� <br /> O , O CITY of ORONO <br /> a,�- <br /> � y ,.�,-�:; �� RESOLUTION OF��TI-��1�1(COUNCIL <br /> } � t <br /> '� G NO. <br /> �`�kESHog'� <br /> 3. The Planning Commission reviewed this application at a public hearing held on <br /> September 17, 2012 and recommended conditional approval of the variances <br /> based on the following findings: <br /> a. The Property contains 11,443 square feet (0.26 acre) in area and has 51 feet <br /> in width at the OHWL and 47 feet in width at the 75-foot lake setback. <br /> b. Sanitary sewer is available. <br /> c. There is no additional land available to bring the lot area or lot width into <br /> conformity. <br /> d. At 24.9% of the gross lot area the Applicants' proposal conforms to the <br /> hardcover limitations for a Tier 1 lot. <br /> e. The topography and shape of the Property creates a practical difficulty for <br /> locating the home in a conforming location. <br /> f. The Property widens from the street to the lake. In order to meet the 10 foot <br /> setback from the east lot line the house will be angled so that at its closest <br /> point it will be 7.6 feet from the west side street lot line and as it approaches <br /> the lake will meet a 10 foot side street setback. <br /> g. An existing retaining wall along the east property line is proposed to remain, <br /> but will be buried and a swale will be created on top of the filled area. <br /> h. To address the steepness of the lot a French drain is proposed across the <br /> driveway which will drain along the east, side lot line toward the lake. <br /> i. Retaining walls are proposed within 5 feet of both the east and west sides of <br /> the lot which will facilitate the construction of the new home and alleviate <br /> grading concerns. Engineered plans will be required if the walls exceed 4 feet <br /> in height. <br /> j. The Planning Commission finds that a 5-foot deck setback from the alley <br /> would be more appropriate than the 3.5 foot setback proposed, and <br /> recommends that a 5-foot setback be required. <br /> k. The Applicants' request will alleviate a practical difficulty inherent to the <br /> Property and not created by the Applicants. <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br />