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EXHIBIT A 6 14 8 <br /> RESOLUTION NO. <br /> Legal Description <br /> The following property in Hennepin County, Minnesota: <br /> Lot 16, Block 3, Crystal Bay View, and the easterly 1/4 of Lot 17, Block 3, <br /> Crystal Bay View. The line dividing the westerly 3/4 from the easterly 1 /4 <br /> of said Lot 17 is hereby defined to be a line drawn from a point on the <br /> southerly line of said Lot 17 distant 15.00 feet westerly, measured along said <br /> southerly line, from the southeasterly corner of said Lot 17 to a point on the <br /> traverse line, as said line is hereinafter defined, 10 feet westerly, measured <br /> along said traverse line, from the East line of said Lot. As used herein the <br /> term "traverse line" is hereby defined as a line running from a point on the <br /> East line of said Lot distant 226.7 feet northerly of the southeast corner of said <br /> Lot to a point on the West line of said Lot distant 223.3 feet northerly of the <br /> Southwest corner of said Lot, Also, that part of the westerly 3/4 of Lot 17, <br /> Block 3, Crystal Bay View, lying southeasterly of the following described <br /> line: Beginning at a point on the easterly line of said westerly 3/4 of Lot 17 <br /> distant 68.45 feet northerly from the southeasterly corner of said westerly 3/4 <br /> of Lot 17; thence southwesterly to a point on the southerly line of said Lot 17 <br /> distant 11 feet northwesterly, measured along said southerly line, from said <br /> southeasterly corner of the westerly 3/4 of Lot 17, and there ending. The line <br /> dividing the westerly 3/4 from the easterly 1 /4 of said Lot 17 is hereby <br /> defined to be a line drawn from a point on the southerly line of said Lot 17 <br /> distant 15.00 feet westerly, measured along said southerly line, from the <br /> southeasterly corner of said Lot 17 to a point on the traverse line, as said line <br /> is hereinafter defined, 10 feet westerly, measured along said traverse line, <br /> from the East line of said Lot. <br /> Also known as Hennepin County PINS # 08-117-23 33 0084 <br />