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O O CITY of ORONO <br /> +-� A+ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> �� 0 NO. 6 14 8 <br /> � L SH ) <br /> 2. The Property is located in the LR-1 C One Family Lakeshore Residential Zoning <br /> District which requires a minimum lot area of 0.5 acres and a minimum lot width <br /> of 100'. <br /> 3. The Planning Commission reviewed this application at a public hearing held on <br /> May 21, 2012 and recommended approval of variances based on the following <br /> findings: <br /> a. The Property contains 14,799 square feet (0.34 acre) in area and has 52 feet in <br /> width at the OHWL and 59 feet in width at the 75-foot lake setback. <br /> b. Sanitary sewer is available. <br /> c. There is no additional land available to bring the lot area or width into <br /> conformity. <br /> d. The Applicants' proposal results in an overall total reduction in hardcover on <br /> the property from the current level in the 75-250' zone of 4,204 s.f. (39.65%) <br /> down to 3,751 s.f. (35.4%). <br /> e. The Applicants' proposed plan includes a 2-stall attached garage with <br /> associated driveway, and retention of the existing 2-stall detached garage with <br /> storage space above, located 3.9 feet from the side lot line. This detached <br /> garage is a legally nonconforming structure and is in good condition. <br /> f. The Applicants have agreed to provide mitigative measures for the hardcover <br /> excesses including a rain garden and maintenance of a lakeshore buffer. <br /> g. The Applicants' proposed grading and hardcover mitigation plan will reduce <br /> or eliminate runoff from the Property discharging to the adjoining lower <br /> elevation developed property to the immediate west. <br /> h. The Applicants' request will alleviate a practical difficulty inherent to the <br /> Property and not created by the Applicants. <br /> 4. The City Council has considered this application including the findings and <br /> recommendation of the Planning Commission, reports by City staff, comments by <br /> the Applicants and the public, and the effect of the proposed variances on the <br /> health, safety and welfare of the community. <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br />