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Resolution 6141
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6100 -6199 - December 12, 2011 - January 14, 2013
Resolution 6141
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10/26/2015 11:41:48 AM
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10/26/2015 11:41:48 AM
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ZONING FILE NO. 12-3553 EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION No. 6 1 4 1 <br /> Legal Description of the South Parcel <br /> Part of the Northeast Quarter of th� Southeast Quarter(NE1/4 SE1/4 )of Section Three(3), <br /> Township One Hundred Seventeen (117) North of Range Twenty-three (23)West of the Fifth <br /> Principal Meridian, according to the U.S. Govemment Survey, as follows: Commencing at the <br /> Southwest corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter(NE1/4 SE1/4 ) thence East <br /> along the south'line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter(NE1/4 SE1/4)Nine <br /> Hundred One (901)feet more or te:s to a point Four Hundred Twenty-nine and five tenths (429.5) <br /> feet West of the Southeast comer of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter(NE1/4 SE1/4), <br /> thence deflecting to the left at an a,�gle of 124 degrees 58 minutes from the last described <br /> course One Hundred Two(102)feet;thence deflecting to the right at an angle of 11 degrees from <br /> the last described course Fifty(50)feet; thence deflecting right at an angle of 15 degrees 30 <br /> minutes from the last described course Fifty(50)feet;thence deflecting to the right at an angle of <br /> 11 degrees 45 minutes from the last described course One Hundred (100)feet;thence <br /> deflecting to the right at an angle of 3 degrees 50 minutes from the last described course One <br /> Hundred (100)feet;thence deflecting to the right at an angle of 4 degrees 58 minutes from the <br /> last described course One Hundred (100)feet; thence deflecting to the right at an angle of 1 <br /> degrees 41 minutes from the last described course Ninety-two(92)feet; thence deflecting to the <br /> left at an angle of 13 degrees 31 minutes from the last described course One Hundred Eighty and <br /> five tenths(180.5)feet to a point in the lake on said property; thence Westerly on a line drawn <br /> parallel with said South line of the PJortheast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter(NE1/4 SE1/4 )Eight <br /> Hundred Seventy-iwo and Sevent� -five hundredths (872.75)feet more or less to the West line <br /> thereof; thence South along this W�st line thereof Seven Hundred Forty-four and Eighty-five <br /> Hundredths (744.85)feet to the point of beginning. <br />
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