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T. 'S I D E ��.N°. <br /> KNOW ALL PERSONS BV THESE PRESENTS That Judson M Oaylon,fee avner,antl Shelley Mydra-Oayton,hrs wife who In witness whereot saitl Judson M Daylon antl Shelley Mydra-Dayton,husband and wile,�ave hereunlo set thert hands Ihis � <br /> 7oms in 1he execuhon of Ihis plat�0 6md her mlerest as spouse ol said fee owner ot the followirg desaibed property _day of .Z�-• <br /> sduated m the County of Hennepm,S�ale of Mmnesota,fo wit <br /> � Parcel t , SIGNED <br /> That part of Govemment�ot 7 m SecLon 9,Township 117 North,Range 23 Wesl o(ihe Slh Pnnc�pal Mendian,descnbed as <br /> tollows Begmmig at a pomt 302 81 feet SouU�of Ihe Norih hne end 462 feel West o�lhe East line of said Govemment Lol <br /> 7,ihence South 82 Oegrees 73 minutes West,97 feel,Ihence South 31 degrees 07 mmutes 10 secontls West,261 39 feet, Jutlson M Daylon <br /> thence South 13 degrees 25 minutes 37 seconds West,167 651eet,Uence South 9 tlegrees 32,mmutes 30 seconds West <br /> 286 14�eet,�hence due Soulh 10 Ihe shore of Maawell's Bay Lake Mmnelonka,thence Southeasteriy along ihe shore of <br /> said lake to an intersection with a hne runnrtg SouNerly,parallel vntl�the East hne of ihe above men6oned Government Lol Shelley Mydra-Dayton <br /> 7 m said Sechon 9,from a pomt beanry South 12 degrees 54 mmules 40 seconds Wesl end distant 766 76 feet fwm the <br /> poinl ot begmmng,said last descnbed course hemg heremafler refened ro antl tlesgnatad as"Lme X',thence Narth along <br /> "Line X"lo seid pomt bemg South 12 degrees 54 minutes 40 sewiMs West and distant 766 76 feet from sa�d pomt of <br /> beginning,thence Norih 12 degrees 54 m�nutes 40 sewnds East,766 76 feet to Ue point o(beginning,saitl last desaibeA STA7E OF 1 <br /> wurse bemg designated as"Line Y" COUNTY OF )The foregomg msWment was acknowledged befare ma Ihis_day of <br /> For Hie purposes of Ne faego�ng descnp6on 20_,by Judson M Daylon and Shelley Mydra-Daylon,husband and wRe <br /> (a) The East line ol ihe afoiesaitl Govemmenl Lot 71n said Sec6on 9,7ownship 117 North,Range 23 West of Ihe 5th <br /> Pnncipal MerMian,is assumed to be a tlue North entl South line, C un Nota s r nled name <br /> (b) The pmnl of beg�nnmg is Ihe same as ihe pomt of begmnmg of the descnplwn of Ne properry wnveyed to Leonard Nolary Pubhq o b. 'y P' <br /> G Carpenter and GeraWme K Carpenler,husbend and xafe,by Truslees'Deed dated Septembe�26,1938,DeNreen Chades My commrsswn exp�res <br /> Koon Vehe,et al as Trustees under Ne Last Will and Testamenl of ChaAes D Velie,deceased,and said Carpenlers,fled fa <br /> record m ihe O(fice o(�he Re9ister of Deeds of Hennepin County,Minnesola,on November 10,1938,in Book 1445 a( <br /> Deeds,Page 293,and I,Mark S Gronberg,do hereby certiy lhat Ih�s pial was prepared by me or under my tlirect supemsron,thal 1 em a duly <br /> (c) Line X and Line Y are ihe WesleAy boundary of ihe proper�y conveyed by said Trustees'Deed a(September 28,1938 Licensed Land Surveyor in the Slate of Minnesota,tha�ih�s plat�s e mrted reD�esenla6on of ihe boundary survey,�hat all <br /> to said Carpen[ers mathemahcal data end labels ere cortecliy designated on this plat;ihat all rtwnumenls depided on ihls plat have been,w <br /> Parcel 2 xall be correcUy set within oae year,that all water boundanes and wet lands as defined In Mmnesola Statutes,SecUon <br /> Tract A That part o(Lot 35,in Auditols Subdniswn No_230,Hmnepin Counry,Minnesola,and ol Government Lot 7,in 505 Ot,Su6d 3 as o(ihe dale af Ihis cert�cate are shawn and lebeled on ihis piak and all publw ways are shown and <br /> Section 9,Township 117 Norih,Range 23 West of the Sih Pnnapal Mend�an,desrnbed as kllows beginning at a point IaDeled nn Nis plat <br /> 302 61 feef Sauth of fhe Norih line end 462 00 feet West of the East One of said Govemment Lot 7,thence East parallel with <br /> ibe North h�of said Lot 7 a dlslance of 462 00 feet W ihe East One of said Lot 7,ihe�e NOM aloig�he Easl Ime o�sa�d <br /> Govemmen�Lol7,a distance of 302.81 leet to the Northeast camer of saM Lot,thence continuing Norih along the Norlh Mark S Gronberg,Licensetl LaiM Surveyor and EnOineer <br /> end South centerline of Sec6an 4,Township 117,Raiye 23,e dislance of 218 7 teet to an inlersedion with ihe Eastarly Minnesote Licenu Number 12755 <br /> e�Aension of ihe South liire of Lot 34 in the above men6oned AudM1ofs Subtllvnion No 230,Hennepin Counry,Mmnesola, <br /> ihence Westerly aiong ihe Southerly boundary line of said Lol 34 and eztension thereof to the Southwesl corner ot saM <br /> Lot�he�<e SouiheAy ebng ttie exlenaion of the West Ilna of said Lot 34 to a point 10Z7 18(eet Soulherty measured along STATE OF MINNESOTA) <br /> Ihe West Nrre of said Lot 34 end Iha extension thereof,hom tha NoMweat comer of said lol 34,Mence Westerly deflecLng COUNTY OF HENNEPIN)The foregoing inslrument was acknowledged 6efore ma th�s day of <br /> 81 Eegrees O6 minutes N Ihe rphl6om Me last descnbed wurse,159 88 feel,thence conOnurtg Westerry,dellecting 2 ,20�by Mark S Gronberg,Licensed LeM Surveyor e�d Engineer <br /> degrees 30 minu[es to tl�e right hom Wst descnbetl course,a d�sWnce af 724.BS Ieet,ihence Soulhwes�erly on a tangen6al <br /> wrve ro the left wiM a radnxi o1388 66 feet,a disWrwe of 793 75 feet M the polnt of compoum!curve,lhence <br /> Southwesterry on a tangentlal wrve ta the left wiM a radius of 212.81 feet,e distance of 180 52 teet thence Southwes�erN olary Public, Couny,Minnewta NoWNs pnnled name <br /> m a stralghl fine,tangent lo saW lest tlescriEad wrve.a Eislance of 2 B9 teet to ihe Southedy hne of eforeeald SecUon 4, My cammission expires <br /> thence West along ihe SouM line ol saitl Sechon.285 29 feel,saM lasl Eesrnbetl poinl being ihe Southeast wrner of <br /> Govemment Lol 7 in said Sadion 4,ihence SouthwesteAy deflecdng 35 degrees 17 mmules to ihe left Gom said last <br /> described course,a d�slanca of 170 3 feet,thence Soulhweslerly deltecUng 45 degrees 28 minules b the bR from said last <br /> descnbed course,a distance of 115 00 feet;Ihence Southwesterly detlecting 21 degrees 40 m�mdes W Ihe dght Bom said <br /> last desc�bad course,a dislance o1174 00(ee[,more or less lo the shwe of MarxelPs Bay,Lake Minnetonka,thence ORONO,MINNESOTA <br /> SoNheasterly alonp Ihe ahore of said lake to its intersecEon wilh a Fne running Southerly parallel vnth tlie East Ilne of Thn plat of TOPSIDE was apprwed arid accepted by ihe City of Orono,Minnesota,af e regular meetlng held fh�s <br /> above menhoned Govemment Lot 7 in sad Sechon 9,from a poinl beanrg South 12 degrees 54 minutes 40 seconds West day of ,20 If applicable,fhe writlen commenta and recortxneiMaYons of the <br /> and distant 766.78 feet hom ihe pomt o(begmmng,sa�d last describetl caurse bang hereinafler relerred to and designated Commissioner of Transportatwn and ihe Counry Hghway Engmeer hava been recerved by the Ciry or Ne prescnbed 30 day <br /> as"Line X',thence NOM parallel vn�h�he East line of said Govemment Lot 710 sald palnt 6eaAig South 12 degrees 54 period has elapsed wilhout receipl of sud�comments and recommenda0ons,es pravided by Minnesota StaNtes,Sedion <br /> mioutes 40 aeconds Wesl aM tlistant 768 76 feel hom said poinl of begmning;ihence Norih 12 degrees 54 mmules 10 505 03,Sub 2 <br /> seconds East 766 76 feel W the poml oF begimm�g said Iasl deecribed course bemg heremafter referred lo and designated <br /> as'Lme Y',EXCEPTING trom above described premises,the following descnbed Vac[(hereinafter sometlmes referred to GIN COUNCIL OF 7HE CI7Y OF ORONO,MINNESOTA <br /> as U�e'EXCEP7ED TRACT)to-wR Begmnu�g at the same point af begmning as above descrlbed,ihe�e South 82 <br /> degrees 13 minNes Wes4 2902 feek fhen�e SoWh 35 degrees OS minutes West,194 4 feet,then�e South 73 degreea 57 ,Mayor <br /> mmutes West,167.85 feeL U�ence South 5 degrees 23 minules Wes�285 00 feeL more or less to tha shore of Maawell's ,Clerk <br /> Bay,Laka Minnelonka,thenae Southeaslery ebng Cw ahae of seld lake to an m[ersectlon with aeid"Line X"hereinabova <br /> destribed,Mence NoM ala�g said"Lme X'W ils mlersechon xvih'U're Y'as heremabove descnbed;thence Norih 12 <br /> degrees 51 minutes 40 aeconds East elong said"IJne Y',788 78 feet to ihe point of beginnirg <br /> For the purpase of the loregohg deamphona,the Eest luro ol ihe afaesaid Govemmmt Lo17 in aeid Sechon 9.Township TAXPAYER SERVICES DEPARTMENT,HENNEPIN COUNTY.MINNESOTA <br /> 117,Range 231s essumed ta be due North and South Ime. I hereby certiy ihat Yaxes payable in 20_and pnor years have been paid for land descr{bea on ihis plat.Dated Mis <br /> Tract B Thet part of Govemment Lot 7 in Sedion 9,Tmmship 117 NoAh.Range 23 West of 1he 5ih Prinapal Mendian, tlay ot ,20_ <br /> descnbed es follows.Begmning at a pomt bemg 702 81 feet Soulh of ihe Norih hire aM 462.00 feet West af the East 6ne of <br /> ihe sad Governmen[Lo[7,thence South 82 depraes 13 minutes West,290 2 feel;thence SoWh 35 degrees OS minules JILL L ALVERSON,HENNEPIN COUNTV AUDITOR <br /> West,194 4 ket,ihence South 13 degrees 57 minutes West,167.85 feet to the actual pomt o(beginning ot ihe Iract of land <br /> to ba desaibed;fhence Norih 13 de8�ees 57 minulea East,167 BS fee4�hence Nath 35 degrees OS minutes Easl 194 4 By ,Deputy <br /> feel,Ihence Noith 82 degrees 13 mmutes East,193 2 feet,Mence South 91 deBrees 07 mmutes 10 sewnds West,281 39 <br /> feeC�xnce SauUi 13 degrees 25 m�wles 37 seconds Wes[,i67 65 feet,ihence SouM B degrees 32 mmutes 30 secorMs <br /> WeeL 2B6 14(eet,thence due SouM to Ne shore of Maxwell's Bay,Lake Minnetonka,thence Wesleriy along said share6ne SURVEY DIVISION,HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA <br /> to an Inlersec6on with a line bearing South 5 degrees 23 mmutes Wesl,fmm tha acWal pomt ol6egmning;thence Norih 5 Pursuanl ta MINN STAT Sec 383B 565(7969),ihis plat has been approved ihis day of <br /> degrees 23 minules East to Me aclual prnnt oi begmmng �ZD <br /> For Ihe purposes of thrs descnp6on the Eas�line of sai0 Cwvemment Lot 7 is assumetl[o he a due Norih and South line W�LLIAM P BROWN,HENNEPIN COUNTY SURVEYOR <br /> Heve caused ihe ume to be surveyM antl platled as 70PSIDE,and do hereby donale and detlicate to the public tor public <br /> use forever the Pubhc Ways a,M Uie tlreinage and Whry and dramage easemenls as shown on Ihe pla[ BY T <br /> m � <br /> COUNTY RECORDER,HENNEPfN COUNN,MINNESOTA � ,T O <br /> I hereby cehAy Ihat ihe vnthin plat of TOPSIDE was remrded In�his oKce this day ol . <br /> 20 ,al ododc_M <br /> ,HENNEPIN COUNTY RECORDER u� � p�} <br /> By .Depury � � � <br /> N � <br /> GRONBERG & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS PLANNERS I <br /> 9�{EET 1 oG 2.SHE�TS <br />