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� o� <br /> O � O CITY of ORONO <br /> �,,_ <br /> � `� °�'� ��� � RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> ��� <br /> � �,� No. 6T1� <br /> ��kESHOg'� <br /> 3. The applicants are proposing to alter the existing natural grade of the property by <br /> relocating approximately 2500 cubic yards of dirt existing on the Property. <br /> 4. The Planning Commission reviewed this application at a public hearing held on January <br /> 17, 2012 and unanimously recommended approval of the requested variance based on the <br /> following findings: <br /> a. Residential use of the property is appropriate given the existing use, the <br /> comprehensive plan and zoning allowances. <br /> b. T'he request to continue using the land for residential purposes is a reasonable <br /> request that would otherwise be prohibited by official controls. <br /> c. The applicants were not responsible for the nonconforming lot size, and will be <br /> improving the situation by combining adjacent lots as a condition of approval. <br /> d. The use of the property will not be changing and therefore will not alter the <br /> essential character of the locality. <br /> e. The applicants are not proposing to construct a home solely for economic <br /> considerations. <br /> £ The small size of the lot within the five (5) acre district is a unique circumstance <br /> not generally applicable to nearby properties. <br /> g. Approval of the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of the <br /> applicants' right to use the property for a single-family dwelling. <br /> h. Allowing the site to continue to be used for single-family purposes will not impair <br /> the health, safety or morals of the community. <br /> i. Granting of the variance is necessary to alleviate a demonstrable difficulty (e.g. a <br /> replacement home cannot be built without the approval). <br /> 5. The Planning Commission reviewed this application at a public hearing held on January <br /> 17, 2012 and also unanimously recommended approval of the requested conditional use <br /> permit based on the following findings: <br /> a. The intended use of the property is supported by the comprehensive plan. <br /> b. All necessary plans for the proposed fill were provided to engineering for review <br /> and analysis, and only clean fill will be used in conjunction with this project. <br /> c. The property is and can be adequately served by well and septic, and the proposed <br /> grading is not expected to generate excessive demand for any public service at <br /> public cost. <br /> Page2of5 <br />