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61 � 5 <br /> CITY OF ORONO <br /> FUND BALANCE POLICY <br /> I. PURPOSE <br /> The City understands it has a responsibility to maintain prudent financial operations to ensure <br /> stable city operations for the benefit of city residents and businesses. Fund balance reserves are an <br /> important component in ensuring the overall financial health of a community, by giving the City <br /> cushion to meet contingency or cash-flow timing needs. The Office of the State Auditor <br /> recommends that at year-end, local governments maintain an unreserved fund balance in their <br /> general fund and special revenue funds of approximately 35 to 50% of fund operating revenues, or <br /> no less than five months of operating expenditures. <br /> II. POLICY <br /> 1. The City will maintain a minimum��a unassi�ned General Fund balance of 45% of <br /> the fund's annual operating budget. <br /> a) Unassigned fund balances in excess of 50% will be transferred to the Community <br /> Investment Construction Fund. Such transfer is pursuant to Council approval. <br /> b) Unassigned fund balance of less than 45%will be addressed through the budgeting <br /> process or by transfers in from other funds. <br /> c) An assignment or restriction of fund balance may be used to offset revenues earned in <br /> one year where substantial services axe rec�uired to be performed in the next fiscal <br /> e� riod• <br /> 2. When both restricted and unrestricted resources are available for use, it is the Citv's policv <br /> to first use restricted resources and then use unrestricted resources as they are needed. <br /> When unrestricted resources are available for use it is the Citv's policv to use resources in <br /> the following order• 1) committed 2) assi�ned 3) unassi�ned. These fund balance <br /> classifications apply onlv to Governmental Funds not Enterprise Funds. <br /> ai + + +�.,. ., ,.+ �v,..,ii.,„t,i;,�.,*oa u,:ii �.o ao�:,..,.,�oa <br /> « .,.,..,.,. �..,..� .,..�._.,. _-a" v .,., .a_--� ..--- -- ----a----'--- <br />