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Foundation and S ng-Notes end Specifications - ' <br /> Site Preparation Notes Planting Notes IContinued) Screening Plant(ng Materlal Sthedule <br /> t Contractor shall remove the existing tur(grass in the spxified area using a sod-kicker 3. Contractor shall layout the planc matertals In the specified locations for approval by Material QTY Unit <br /> or a mechanlcal sod cutter.The u�derlying soils shall not be unnecessanly disturbed. landscape designer prior to installation. Edging�Black Plastic:50'roll) 140 If <br /> 2. Contractor shal�remove all leaves and loose debris prior to planting. 4. Contractor shall install all plant materials as specified In the relevant plan and cross fdging Spikes 35 each <br /> 3 Contractor shall cut and remove all(nvasive trees and shrubs that have been marked by the section detail. Double-Shredded Hardwood Mulch(3"depih� 36 cy <br /> landscape designer,leaving a stump no higherthan 3"above grade The stumps 5. If contatner grown,gently slide plant out of container and scarify any rootbound <br /> shall be brush-treated with undiluted Garlon concentrate immediately after the cut plants without damaging more than 10%of existing root mass. <br /> has been applied 6. Ball and burlap trees and shrubs must have the wire basket removed and the burlap Foundation Planting Material Schedule <br /> sack loosened from the top 12"of root ball to allow for adequate root growth. (ZTy Unit <br /> Erosion Control Notes 7. Contractor shall Install mulch to a depth of 3"on all specified planting beds.Mulch Materlal <br /> shall be installed prior to planting to preveni compaction and raked to a neat and Edging(Black Plastic:50'roll) 320 If <br /> 1 All construction shall co�form to local and state rules as required Contractor will even finish upon completion Edging Spikes SO each <br /> take all measures necessary to ensure that no sediment leaves the project site during 8. Contractor assumes respons�bility for replacement of all plant materials that die Double-Shredded Hardwood Mulch�3"dep[h) Z 1 �Y <br /> construction.The specified sediment control devices must be Installed In conjunctlon within one year of inztallation.All replacement plant materfals shall have an Z^Thick Chilton Flagstone S[eppers 2 Tons <br /> with all clearing in a manner as to ensure that sediment and sediment laden water additional one year warranty for replacement. <br /> do not enter the drainage system,roadways,or violate applicable water standards <br /> 2 All temporary erosion control devices will require maintenance while they are installed. Sc►eening Plan-Plant LiSt <br /> The Contractor shall routinely check these devices for sediment buildup,vandalism, $IZE SPACING <br /> and general operabiliry.The Contractor is responsible for inspectinq these devices on QTY Botanical Name Common Name <br /> a daily basis and after every rain event.Sediment shall be removed when it <br /> reaches 1/3 the capacity of the device.Maintenance,cieaning,sediment removal, Trees and Shrubs <br /> and final removal of the temporary erosion control device are Incidental expenses 15 Cornus sericea'Isanti' 'Isanti'Dogwood #2 Cont. 48"O.C. <br /> assumed by the contractor. ri2 Cont. 30"O.C. <br /> 3. Contractor shall lay not leave any areas of exposed soil unattended for more than 3 Hammamelis virginiana Witch Hazel <br /> 48 hours. 8 Viburnum dentatum'Morton' 'Morton'Arrowwood Viburnum #2 Cont. 60"O.C. <br /> 4 All work shall be completed using hand tools or Iight mechanical equipment(i.e. <br /> no skid loaders or tracked vehicles The contractor shall get approval from Foundation Plenting Meterial Sthedule <br /> the landscape designer for any questionable equipment. <br /> 5 Contractor shall maintain the spxified coir erosion control blanket in place during QTY Botanical Name Common Name SIZE SPAC�NG <br /> planting to prevent soil disturbance and slope failure.Contractor shall cuf the coir <br /> blanket as needed to install plant mater�al as specified. <br /> 6 The implementation of erosion control actrvities and the construction,maintenance, ShtubS <br /> replacement,and upgrading of the specified devices is the responsibility of the 1 Amelanch�erx grandifloro 'Autumn Brilliance'Serviceberry #20 Clump <br /> contractor until all construction is completed and approved. 12 Buxus'Green Mountain' 'Green Mountain'Boxwood �12 Cont. 36"O.C. <br /> 7 The specified erosion and sediment control devtces shall be inspected daily by the 1 Cornus alternifolia Pagoda Dogwood #10 Clump <br /> contracror and malntained as necessary to ensure their continued(unctlon.All #2 ConL 48"O.C. <br /> disruptlons to their continued function shall be repaired within 24 hours maximum. 9 Cornus sanguinea'Cato' 'Arctic Sun'Dogwood g2 Cont. 30"O.C. <br /> B These plans depict minimum erosion and sediment control BMPs Additional BMPs 15 Dievilla lonicera Owarf Bush Honeysuckle <br /> may be necessary as site or climatic conditions change. 4 Forsythia'Cowtaneur' 'Gold Cluster'Forsythia #2 Cont. 42"O.C. <br /> 16 Ribes alpinum Alpine Currant #2 Cont. 42"O.C. <br /> Planting Notes 7 Viburnum den[atum'Chnstom' 'Blue Muffin'Viburnum #2 Cont. 60"O.C. <br /> t. Contractor shall provide the landscape designer with the opportunity to Inspect all 1 V�burnum triolobum'Bailey Compact' Compact Highbu5h Cranbeffy #2 Cont. <br /> specified plant materlals. Advfse landscape designer of source of plant ma[erials. <br /> Plant materlals to be nursery grown stock unless otherwise noted.Plants shall meet perennials <br /> or exceed ANLA specifications appropriate ro the plant type.Landscape designer 18 Ajuga reptans'Chocolate Chip' 'Chocolate Chip'Bugleweed 4" 12"O.C. <br /> reserves the right to reject any provided materfals at the contractor's expense. <br /> 2 Plants and pot sizes shall be as specified In the plant Iist If substitutfons are requlred, 134 Hemerocallis'Boadcious Returns' 'Bodatious Returns'Da lillies #1 Pot 18" • • <br /> contractor must get approval from the landscape designer. 18 $edum spp.AutumnJoy' 'Autumn Joy'Sedum kl Pot 18"O.C. <br /> 3o Sporobolus heterolepis Prairie Dropseed Nl Pot 18"O.C. <br /> p� to' zo' ao' � � � <br /> ��C� o <br /> Non-Cost Share Plantings and Material n�� O <br /> Schedules ThomasRandgaard Designer:SamuelGeer �„A�� ���0�711r1 <br /> 2765 Shadywood Ln Date:6/19/13 J <br /> Orono,MN <br /> �� <br /> W <br /> � <br /> �� <br />