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.� o,�,. <br /> O �, O CITY of ORONO <br /> � �� = <br /> � °' �'. � RESOLUTION OF,T��IO COUNCIL <br /> . �' �y <br /> ��� '� G'�' NO. <br /> �kESH�g'� <br /> 2. The Applicants shall plant evergreen trees near the OAS and near Watertown Road as <br /> shown on the sketches attached as Exhibit D in order to lessen the visual impact of the <br /> OAS from views off of the Property. <br /> 3. Approval is subject to execution by the Applicants of the standard Oversize Accessory <br /> Structure Covenant as established in Zoning Code Section 78-1434(3)(c). <br /> 4. The Applicants shall submit hardcover calculations prior to issuance of a Building <br /> Permit for the OAS to confirm conformity with code requirements. <br /> 5. Authorities granted by this resolution run with the Property not with the Applicants, but <br /> are permissive only and must be exercised by obtaining a building permit for the new <br /> construction and commencing construction of said project. A framing inspection must <br /> be completed within one year of the date of Council approval, or the variance will expire <br /> on that date (March 10, 2015). <br /> 6. Violation of or non-compliance with any of the terms and conditions of this resolution <br /> shall constitute a violation of the zoning code, shall automatically terminate any <br /> authority granted herein, and shall be punishable as a misdemeanor. <br /> 7. The undersigned Applicants have read, understand and hereby agree to the terms of <br /> this resolution and on behalf of the Applicants and the Applicants' heirs, successors and <br /> assigns, hereby agree to the recording of this resolution in the chain of title of the <br /> Property. <br /> Page 4 of 5 <br />