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� o� <br /> O � O CITY of ORONO <br /> ,��, � _ <br /> _, , _ <br /> a �' ��` � RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> '� � .�_�:.� ti 6 3 6 0 <br /> � G'�' NO. <br /> ��kESH�4� <br /> WHEREAS, the subj ect property has, for many years, been zoned "RR-1 B", a <br /> zoning district that allows golf courses, but is predominantly used for rural residential purposes. <br /> The purpose of the "RR-1B" zoning district reads as follows: "The RR-1B one-family rural <br /> residential district is intended to provide a district which will allow a combination of low-density <br /> residential development and limited agricultural activity."; and <br /> WHEREAS, Single family homes on 2 acre lots are permitted uses in the RR-1B <br /> District,while golf courses are allowed as conditional uses; and <br /> WHEREAS, the owners of the property have provided evidence that it is no <br /> longer economically feasible for them to continue operation of the golf course; and <br /> WHEREAS, the CMP envisions that development, where it occurs in the rural <br /> (non-MIJSA) area, such as the subject property, will reflect the rural densities predominant in the <br /> neighborhood; and <br /> WHEREAS, the land use patterns to the north and south are rural residential in <br /> character, with privately sewered lots of generally 1.5 - 3 acres, sometimes more. To the <br /> southeast of the subject property is an area of publicly sewered property and parcels commonly <br /> of less than one acre in size. To the west of the site is the City of Minnetrista, with rural <br /> residential use at densities similar to those in Orono's jurisdiction; and <br /> WHEREAS, the proposed development of the subject property under the Rural <br /> Residential land use would be consistent with the surrounding patterns of land use ; and <br /> WHEREAS, drinking and irrigation water is currently provided to the golf course <br /> use, including extensive turf irrigation water, through private well. Under the proposed <br /> development, water would continue to be provided via private well, and may (but would not be <br /> required to) include provision of public water supply from the City of Minnetrista; and <br /> WHEREAS, storm water currently exits the property through a series of drainage <br /> swales, culverts, and an existing pond. Upon development, the City will require compliance with <br /> more contemporary stormwater management requirements, expected to improve both rate and <br /> quality of runoff from the property to adjoining lands and waterways. The City will be an active <br /> partner with the Watershed District in review and management of stormwater treatment; and <br /> WHEREAS, traffic from the current golf course use is limited to access onto <br /> North Arm Drive. Upon development under the Rural Residential category, traffic of similar <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br />