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� o� <br /> O ,� O CITY of ORONO <br /> �, _ _ <br /> � � �� � RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> � �� �� No. b 3 5 3 <br /> L�kESH�g'� <br /> (9) The proposed use incorporates sufficient landscaping to reasonably screen <br /> undesirable features and to enhance the image of the development. <br /> (10) The proposed use is not anticipated to create detrimental disturbances to <br /> surrounding properties based on adherence to the conditions of approval. <br /> (11) The proposed use conforms to all pertinent requirements of this chapter with <br /> the exception of the variances noted herein. <br /> (12) The proposed use will incorporate efforts to conserve energy whenever <br /> practical. <br /> 14. The City Council has considered this application including the findings and <br /> recommendations of the Planning Commission, reports by staff and comments of <br /> the applicant and the effect of the proposed use and variances on the health, <br /> safety, and welfare of the community. <br /> CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS <br /> Based upon one or more of the above findings, the Orono City Council hereby <br /> grants a variance to Orono Municipal Zoning Code Section 78-1403 to allow lot coverage by <br /> structures to increase to 39.1% where only 15% is normally allowed; and grants a variance to <br /> Section 78-1405 for construction of a trash enclosure to be located less than the required 5 feet <br /> from the rear lot line and less than 10 feet from the side lot line; and grants an amendment to the <br /> conditional use permit granted via Resolution No. 4530 adopted on October 9, 2000, such <br /> amendment for the specific purpose of allowing expansion of the Narrows Saloon Class II <br /> Restaurant use by adding an outdoor seating area of approximately 550 s.f.; and grants a <br /> conditional use permit for establishment of a new separate restaurant use within the westerly <br /> 40% of the building per Section 78-644(4) and including a 600 s.f. outdoor seating area, subject <br /> to the following conditions: <br /> l. This approval is based on the building interior layout plans (upper and lower level) by <br /> Premier Restaurant and Equipment Company dated 3/7/08 and attached hereto as Exhibit <br /> A, and the site plan by Gronberg and Associates dated 9/6/13 and attached hereto as <br /> Exhibit B. The interior and outdoor seating layout and dumpster enclosure location for <br /> the Saloon and new restaurant shall be substantially as shown on Exhibits A and B, <br /> except as noted herein, and any deviation from Exhibits A and B that the Zoning <br /> Administrator determines is in conflict with the intent of this approval, shall require <br /> further review by the City Council. Building signage, landscaping and screening for the <br /> outdoor seating areas shall be established in conformance with the depictions attached <br /> hereto as Exhibit C. <br /> Page 7 <br />