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sLOAr CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> 1� � NO. 7486 <br /> `lkEs H O�0 <br /> CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS: <br /> Based upon one or more of the above findings, the Orono City Council hereby grants a <br /> variance to Orono Municipal Zoning Code Section 78-1279 to allow retaining walls upslope from <br /> the rip rap and walls supporting a stone lake access stair within the bluff and 75-foot setback <br /> from the lake; subject to the following conditions: <br /> C1.Council approval is based on the entire record and, the above Findings. <br /> C2.The approved project shall conform to the survey dated 06/17/2024, engineering design <br /> also dated 06/17/2024, and landscape plans (herein collectively the "Plans") submitted <br /> by the Applicants and annotated by City staff, attached to this Resolution as Exhibits A, <br /> B, and C. <br /> C3.Any amendments to the Plans that are not in conformity with City codes may require <br /> further Planning Commission and City Council review. <br /> C4.Authorities granted by this resolution run with the Property not with the Applicant, but are <br /> permissive only and must be exercised by obtaining a building permit for the stairway <br /> and walls and commencing construction of said project. A building permit must be <br /> obtained within one year of the date of Council approval, or the CUP will expire on that <br /> date (July 8, 2024). <br /> C5.The Applicant agrees to comply with all permitting requirements of all applicable <br /> jurisdictions including but not limited to Hennepin County, MCWD, and LMCD. Copies of <br /> all required permits must be provided to the City with the submittal materials for the <br /> administrative building permit for the stairs and walls. <br /> C6.The CUP shall remain in effect as long as the conditions imposed by the City Council are <br /> observed, but nothing in this section shall prevent the city from enacting or amending <br /> official controls to change the status of conditional uses. <br /> C7.The undersigned Applicant is the owner of the Property and agrees to the conditions <br /> herein. <br /> 6 <br />