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Resol. No. 7486 <br /> Exhibit B <br /> LA24-000018 <br /> Landscape Narrative <br /> The hillside at 4745 Northshore Drive has been severely neglected over the last <br /> 50 years. Numerous tress and branches have fallen with no maintenance to clean it up. <br /> Although there is a heavy foliage from surrounding trees, my landscaper Chris Hagen <br /> believes that plants will not have a problem growing in the shaded areas. <br /> First step is to clear all leaves and brush that are preventing new plants from <br /> growing so there is a soil capable of growth. As indicated on the bottom of the survey, <br /> everything highlighted in yellow will have an erosion control blanket with no mow grass <br /> (same that the city did in their easement next door) to assist in stabilization around all <br /> affected areas (stairs/retaining walls). Orange dots represent Forsythia plants, green <br /> dots represent sumac. The stairs will not be visible from the lake at all with the tree <br /> coverage so there will be no negative impact as far as view is concerned. I have shared <br /> this plan with the neighbors on both sides of me and they are extremely pleased. <br />