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�o�o <br /> C ITY OF QRONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF T'HE CITY COUNCIL <br /> �� � 6490 <br /> G NO. <br /> t�KFSH�R� <br /> - Removal of nearly all vegetation in a swath approximately 65 feet x 80 feet to <br /> accommodate the proposed residence structure will alter the visual character of the <br /> neighborhood. <br /> 12. The Conditional Use Permit that would allow the filling and grading of the site necessary <br /> to correct site conditions to accommodate the proposed house and redirect the natural <br /> runoff pattern to create a buildable pad that won't be subject to periodic flooding, will <br /> result in significant impacts to existing protected trees in the 0-75' lakeshore setback <br /> zone where trees are protected per the provisions of Section 78-1285. <br /> 13. The Property has historically been valued for tax purposes at a value not commensurate <br /> with that of buildable lakeshore lots. A review of the assessed valuations for the Property <br /> for the period 1974 thru 2013, the years for which the City has tax data readily available, <br /> indicates that the value for the Property has consistently remained significantly lower <br /> than the yaluation of the land for similar sized developed lakeshore parcels in Orono. A <br /> review of tax records for similar sized developed lots in the Baldur Park, Shadywood <br /> Road and Crystal Bay Road neighborhoods indicates land valuations of$300-500,000 as <br /> compared to the$71,000 value placed on applicant's parcel for 2013 payable 2014. <br /> 14. The applicant has not established that he would be completely deprived of all <br /> economically beneficial uses of the Property, and has not demonstrated that the denial <br /> of variances will result in a complete diminution in value. The reasonable uses of the <br /> property are the same uses that have been enjoyed by the current and various prior <br /> owners for many decades. <br /> 15. With respect to Johnson's reasonable investment-backed expectations, the existing <br /> permitted uses of the lot were the same when Johnson acquired it and apparently for quite <br /> some time before that. An identical application for variances had been submitted by <br /> Johnson and denied by the City before he purchased the Property, so he was well aware <br /> of the limitations. Thus, Johnson's primary expectation would have been to use the lot for <br /> non-building, recreation type purposes. Additionally, the reduced tax valuation of the <br /> Property reflected the building restrictions imposed on it, suggesting that Johnson does <br /> not have an actual investment-backed expectation of building a residence on the <br /> Property. <br /> 16. The lot additionally retains a reasonable, economically viable use because the lot could <br /> be sold to neighboring properties for purposes of assemblage. Assemblage in the past has <br /> resulted in parcels in the neighborhood being of sufficient size to build on. <br /> Page 5 of 10 <br /> is>»a�2 <br />