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JOINT AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR <br /> USE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT <br /> I. GENERAL PURPOSE <br /> The general purpose of this Joint and Cooperative Agreement for Use of Law <br /> Enforcement Personnel and Equipment ("Agreement") is to provide a means by which <br /> a Party to this Agreement may request and obtain Law Enforcement Assistance from <br /> other Parties when a Party deems such Law Enforcement Assistance necessary. This <br /> Agreement is made pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59, which authorizes <br /> the joint and cooperative exercise of powers common to the Parties. <br /> II. DEFINITION OF TERMS <br /> For the purposes of this Agreement, the terms defined in this section shall have the <br /> following meanings: <br /> Subd. 1. "Eligible Party" means a "governmental unit" as defined by Minnesota <br /> Statues, Section 471.59, subd. 1 or a "municipality" as defined by Minnesota Statutes, <br /> Section 466.01, subd. 1, that is authorized to exercise police powers in Hennepin <br /> County, Minnesota. <br /> Subd. 2. "Law Enforcement Assistance"means equipment and personnel, including <br /> but not limited to, licensed peace officers and non-licensed personnel. <br /> Subd. 3. "Pa►ty"means an "Eligible Party" that elects to participate in this Agreement <br /> by the authorization of its governing body. "Parties° means more than one Party to <br /> this Agreement. <br /> Subd. 4. "Requesting O�cia/" means a person who is designated by the Requesting <br /> Party to request Law Enforcement Assistance from other Parties. <br /> Subd. 5. "Requesting Party"means a Party that requests Law Enforcement Assistance <br /> from other Parties. <br /> Hennepin County Chiefs of Police Association Mutual Aid Pact -4- <br />