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than eight (8) hours, the Sending Party may submit to the Requesting Party an <br /> itemized bill for the actual cost of any Law Enforcement Assistance provided after the <br /> initial eight (8) hour period, including salaries, overtime, materials and supplies and <br /> other necessary expenses. The Requesting Party will reimburse the Sending Party <br /> providing the Law Enforcement Assistance for that amount. Such charges are not <br /> contingent upon the availability of federal or state government funds. <br /> V. LIABILITY <br /> Liability for Injury, Death or Damage to Sending Party's Personnel or Equipment <br /> Each Party shall be responsible for its own personnel and equipment and for injuries <br /> or death to any such personnel or damage to any such equipment. Responding <br /> personnel shall be deemed to be pertorming their regular duties for each respective <br /> Sending Party for purposes of workers' compensation. <br /> Worker's Compensation: Each Party witl maintain workers' compensation insurance or <br /> self-insurance coverage, covering its own personnel while they are providing Law <br /> Enforcement Assistance pursuant to this Agreement. Each Party, and where <br /> applicable its insurer, waives the right to sue any other Party for any workers' <br /> compensation benefits paid to its own employee or volunteer or their dependants, <br /> even if the injuries or death were caused wholly or partially by the negligence of any <br /> other Party or its officers, employees or volunteers. <br /> DamaQe to Eauipment: Each Party shall be responsible for damages to or loss of its <br /> own equipment. Each Party, and where applicable its insurer, waives the right to sue <br /> any other Party for any damages to or loss of its equipment, even if the damages or <br /> losses were caused wholly or partially by the negligence of any other Party or its <br /> officers, employees or volunteers. <br /> Hennepin County Chiefs of Police Association Mutual Aid Pact -7- <br />