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"Ro , CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> NO. 7466 <br /> 9 CEsi-I O <br /> A2. Dedication on the plat of the perimeter Drainage and Utility Easements as required in <br /> Resolution 7425. <br /> A3. Dedication on the plat of the Drainage Easements as required in Resolution 7425 shall be <br /> granted over all wetlands, creeks, and buffers on the Property. <br /> A4. Permits Required. <br /> a. Grading and Right-of-Way permits are required before construction of the new <br /> driveway serving Lot 2. <br /> b. MCWD Erosion Control and Stormwater Management permits, if applicable. <br /> A5. Before the commencement of any construction, the construction limits shall be marked <br /> with adequate fencing to prevent any construction damage or disturbance of any trees and <br /> vegetation outside of the construction limits area. The Developer shall identify trees to be <br /> preserved on site, shall mark them on a site plan, and shall take extraordinary measures <br /> such as fencing, signage, etc. to ensure they are not disturbed. <br /> A6. A title opinion for the Property and certified copies of all recorded easements currently <br /> affecting the Property shall be submitted. <br /> A7. Payment of Development Fees Required: $500 <br /> a. Final Plat Application Fee: $550. <br /> b. Park Dedication Fee: $0 <br /> c. Stormwater and Drainage Trunk Fee: $0 <br /> A8. The approvals granted in this Resolution shall become effective only when all conditions of <br /> approval requiring actions by the Developers have been satisfied. <br /> A9. The City Clerk shall release the plat documents for filing only upon certification by the City <br /> Attorney, Community Development Director, and City Engineer that all requirements of the <br /> platting regulations have been satisfied. <br /> A10. The aforesaid plat shall be filed by the City of Orono with Hennepin County on or before <br /> August 14, 2024, together with a certified original copy of this resolution and executed <br /> copies of the easements and covenants pertinent thereto. <br /> 2 <br />