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4WAT0 CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> F NO. 7474 <br /> �4kESHav-", <br /> A RESOLUTION APPROVING <br /> ACCEPTANCE OF AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES (FOX STREET) <br /> AND <br /> AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES (ORONO ORCHARD ROAD SOUTH) <br /> AND <br /> APPROVING AN ASSENT TO REGISTRATION OF THE TITLE TO CERTAIN LAND <br /> IN THE CITY OF ORONO <br /> WHEREAS,the City of Orono("City") is a municipal corporation organized and existing under <br /> the laws of the State of Minnesota; and <br /> WHEREAS, Edward H. Hamm, Jr., as Trustee of the Amendment and Restatement of <br /> Trust of Edward H. Hamm dated October 10, 1995 ("Owner"), is the owner of certain real property <br /> located at 485 Orono Orchard Road South in the City, which property is legally described as set <br /> forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Property"); and <br /> WHEREAS,the Owner has applied to register the title to the Land, Hennepin County Court <br /> File No. 27-ET-CV-22-66; and <br /> WHEREAS, because a portion of the Property is bisected by Fox Street and bordered on <br /> the east by Orono Orchard Road South, and because the City has recorded documents against <br /> the title to the Property (as identified below), the Owner named the City as a defendant in the <br /> registration matter; and <br /> WHEREAS, during the registration process, the Hennepin County Examiner of Titles <br /> identified that no document of record established right of way for the southerly 33 feet for what is <br /> improved by the City as Fox Street, as is legally described and depicted on Exhibit B, attached <br /> hereto and incorporated herein; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Examiner of Titles also identified that no document of <br /> record established right of way for the east 33 feet, north of Fox Street, for what is improved by <br /> the City as Orono Orchard Road South, as is legally described and depicted on Exhibit C, <br /> attached hereto and incorporated herein; and <br /> WHEREAS, to resolve these discrepancies, and in light of the long use of these areas by <br /> the City for public street purposes, the Owner offered to grant permanent easements to the City <br /> in these locations for public street purposes; and <br /> WHEREAS, the easements granted by the Owner will be recorded against the Property <br /> by the Owner as part of the registration of the Property; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Examiner of Titles further identified that sections of <br /> fence have been erected on the Property, extending north to south along Orono Orchard Road <br /> South, and lies within and encroaches upon the easement area that is legally described and <br /> depicted on Exhibit C; and <br /> 230694v1 <br />