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RESOLUTION NO. 7470 <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING MEMBERSHIP IN THE HENNEPIN COUNTY FIRE <br />CHIEFS ASSOCIATION, INC. <br />WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Fire Chiefs Association (“HCFCA”) is an organization <br />of fire departments and others in the fire service industry in Hennepin County whose purpose is to <br />provide a forum to discuss and promote fire safety, to exchange ideas and search for solutions to <br />fire safety and other emergency response problems, to conduct research, to facilitate educational <br />programs, to promote legislation, and to promote the spirit of cooperation between fire departments <br />or other emergency response organizations operating within Hennepin County, Minnesota; and <br />WHEREAS, HCFCA was established as an association in 1961 but was not a formal <br />corporate entity recognized by the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State; <br />WHEREAS, Orono Fire is currently a member of HCFCA; <br />WHEREAS, HCFCA’s membership and Board of Directors has determined that it is in <br />the best interests of the association to organize as a nonprofit corporation in order to formalize its <br />operations and provide the option of applying for federal tax-exempt status; <br />WHEREAS, on January 8, 2024, the Hennepin County Fire Chiefs Association, Inc., was <br />registered as a nonprofit corporation with the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State; <br />WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 471.96 provides authority for cities and counties <br />“to appropriate necessary funds to provide membership of their respective municipal corporations <br />or political subdivisions respectively in county, regional, state, and national associations of a civic, <br />educational, or governmental nature which have as their purpose the betterment and improvement <br />of municipal government operations”; and <br />WHEREAS, Orono Fire Department membership in the HCFCA as a nonprofit <br />organization will benefit Orono and its Fire Department and will provide for the betterment and <br />improvement of Orono’s Fire Department operations surrounding fire safety and emergency <br />response; <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Orono City Council as follows: <br />1.Orono Fire Department’s membership in Hennepin County Fire Chiefs Association, <br />Inc. is approved and payment of annual membership dues is authorized. <br />2. Membership will be through the Fire Department and Orono Fire Department’s Fire <br />Chief is designated as Orono Fire Department’s representative to HCFCA.