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icL0A/0 <br /> CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> $•`�t�x R�6% NO. 7468 <br /> ESHO <br /> A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DONATION OF $30,000 <br /> WHEREAS,the city of Orono is authorized by Minn. Stat. 465.03 to accept donations of real <br /> and personal property for the benefit of its residents and is specifically authorized to accept gifts; <br /> WHEREAS,the city of Spring Park has offered to donate $30,000 to the city of Orono for the <br /> Orono Police Department. <br /> WHEREAS,the terms or conditions are that the funds be used towards the purchase and training <br /> of a police K-9 and other police specialty equipment such as ballistic shields, etc. <br /> WHEREAS,the donation has been offered to Orono for the benefit of its residents. <br /> WHEREAS,the City Council finds that it is appropriate to accept the donation. <br /> NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orono City Council gratefully accepts <br /> $30,000 to be used for the purchase and training of a police K-9 and other police specialty <br /> equipment such as ballistic shields, etc. <br /> FURTHER, staff will issue confirmation to the donor acknowledging the city's receipt of the <br /> donation. <br /> Adopted by the City Council of Orono, Minnesota at a regular meeting held on April 8, 2024. <br /> ATTEST. CITY OF ORONO <br /> V)(a-(221 <br /> Chris ' e Lu , City Clerk Dennis Walsh, Mayor <br />