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Resolution 657
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7399
Reso 0600 - 0699 (May 13, 1975 - June 26, 1976)
Resolution 657
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rI <br />• <br />• <br />Resolution No. 657 <br />Resolution Requesting that the Pollution <br />Control Agency (PCA) Take Certain Action <br />Concerning the Proposed Orono -Long Lake <br />Interceptor. <br />WHEREAS, the City of Orono has not been able to review <br />the environmental assessment and the final plans and specifica- <br />tion for the Orono -Long Lake interceptor, and <br />WHEREAS the City of Orono is very concerned about the <br />adverse effect that the two sewage treatment plants may have on <br />Lake Minnetonka; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: <br />1. That the City Council requests that the PCA use a <br />portion of the funds that were to be allocated for the Orono - <br />Long Lake interceptor to fund some other worthwhile project <br />in the State of Minnesota. <br />2. That the City Council requests that the PCA set aside <br />from the funds that were allocated for the Orono -Long Lake <br />interceptor, an amount of money necessary to prepare, complete <br />and analyze plans for an Orono -Long Lake interceptor that would <br />not cause damage to the wetlands and marshes of Orono and would <br />b -e compatible with the land use policy of the city. <br />3. That such a review take place by the City of Orono <br />and by the MWCC in the winter and spring of 1976, and that <br />final plans and specifications be presented to the PCA in the <br />summer of 1976, so that the project could receive funding in <br />1976 if federal moneys or other moneys were available for such <br />a project. <br />4. That in any event the Orono -Long Lake interceptor be <br />placed at the top of the funding priorities for the calendar <br />year 1976, and that all steps be taken necessary to insure <br />thin plans and specifications for an alternative route that <br />is acceptable to all of the involved agencies be developed <br />and accepted as soon as possible so that the project may -be <br />constructed at the earliest possible date. <br />The foregoing resolution was adopted by the City Council <br />of the City of Orono on December 30, 1975, by a vote of 5 ayes <br />
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