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R <br />B. Requirements of Chapter 73: <br />1. Location and Size of Structures. <br />The applicant shall maintain and allow on the premises <br />only those buildings, road entrances and exists, foot ramps, <br />signs, off-street parking, gas tanks, storage areas and struc- <br />tures which are shown on the site plan drawn accurately to scale <br />attached hereto as Exhibit A. The locations of those structures, <br />etc., shall remain as indicated in the site plan and there shall <br />be no expansion of those structures. The applicant may remove <br />any structure from the premises when'he desires in accordance <br />with other applicable ordinances. <br />2. Parking. <br />The applicant shall provide the following vehicular off- <br />street parking facilities which may not be paved and may not be <br />separated by a public roadway from they dock, storage space, <br />mooring space, or ramp they are designated to serve: <br />a. 50 parking spaces in order to serve the <br />boat slips on water or on land shown on <br />• Exhibit A. <br />b. 27 additional parking spaces in order to <br />serve the floor area, including warehousing, <br />and -all outside sales and storage areas related <br />to the sales and tervice functions. <br />c. Applicant does not use the ramps to <br />launch boats owned by the public fdr the <br />day from trailers. <br />The -parking spaces for each of the above functions are marked - <br />on the attached site plan. These parking spaces may be used <br />for storage of boats only from October 1 to May 1 each year <br />provided that 20a of the total of the above parking spaces <br />remain as a functional parking -area. The 20% reserved for <br />winter parking are designated on the'site plan. The areas <br />allowed for winter storage are marked on Exhibit A. Except <br />as otherwise permitted, the designated parking areas may be <br />used only for parking and not for storage of boats <br />3:" Landscape Plan. <br />The operator shall landscape the required yards and land- <br />scaping areas on the premises pursuant to the following provisions. <br />• The location, size and type of each tree and shrub and the bound- <br />ary lines for each yard area and landscaping area are designated <br />on Exhibit A. <br />-4- <br />