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ORDINANCE NO. 199,THIRD SERIES <br /> CITY OF ORONO <br /> HENNEPIN COUNTY, NIINNESOTA <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES <br /> PERTAINING TO SETBACKS FOR NON-CONFORNIING RESIDENTIAL LOTS <br /> THE CITY COUNCIL OF ORONO ORDAINS: <br /> SECTION 1. Section 78-1406 shall be amended by adding text to read as follows: <br /> Sec. 78-1406.—Additional yard provisions. <br /> Required yards in the districts specified shall be subject to the following additional <br /> requirements: <br /> (1) Through lots. Through lots in any district shall have a required front yard on each street. <br /> (2) 8 and I districts:adjacent lots. In the B and I districts, where the average depth of at least <br /> two existing front yards for buildings within 150 feet of the lot in question are less or greater <br /> than the minimum front yard depth required for the district, required front yards shall not be <br /> less than the average depth of such existing front yards; however, the depth of a front yard <br /> shall not be less than five feet nor be required to exceed 50 feet. <br /> (3) R districts: adjacent lots. In any R district, where the average depth of at least two <br /> existing front yards for buildings within 150 feet of the lot in question and within the same <br /> block front is less or greater than the minimum front yard depth required for the district, the <br /> required front yard shall not be less than the average depth of such existing front yards; <br /> however, the depth of a front yard shall not be less than ten feet nor be required to exceed <br /> 50 feet. <br /> (4) R districts: Side Yards adiacent to unimproved riphts-of-wav. In anv residential district, <br /> the setback for side vards adiacent to unimproved riqhts-of-wav shall be the same as the <br /> applicable interior side vard setback. Unimproved in this section shall be interpreted to mean <br /> not improved or maintained bv the citv or countv for vehicular travel. <br /> SECTION 2. Section 78-305 shall be amended by adding text to read as follows: <br /> Sec. 78-305. -Area, height, lot width and yard requirements. <br /> (a) Height. No structure or building in the LR-1A district shall exceed 30 feet in height except as <br /> provided in section 78-1366. <br /> (b)Lots. The following minimum requirements shall be observed: <br /> Lot Lot Front Side Side Rear <br /> Area Width Yard Yard Yard Yard <br /> (Acre) (feet) (feet) (feet) Adjacent (feet) <br /> to Street <br /> (feet) <br /> 2 200 50 30 �A 30 50 <br /> Lcll Within the LR-lA zonin�district,the side vard setback for lots that are non-conformin�as to their width <br /> shall be the lessor of 30 feet or equal to 10%of the Lot Width as defined. However, in no case shall the <br /> � <br />