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ORDINANCE NO. 80 , THIRD SERIES <br /> CITY OF ORONO <br /> HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br /> AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE GRANTING OF VARIANCE EXTENSIONS <br /> THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ORONO, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: <br /> SECTION 1. The following language has been added to Section 78-128 (Expiration) of the <br /> Orono City Code: <br /> Sec. 78-128. Expiration. <br /> Variances shall expire one year after the date of council approval if not used and an <br /> extension has not been Qranted. Any change in use of the property shall require a new variance. <br /> SECTION 2. The following language has been deleted and added to Section 78-129 (Filing <br /> with county recorder) of the Orono City Code: <br /> Sec. 78-129. Extension. <br /> n o..E:�oa „�o „�oa , ,,,ao,-�i..o „�r�r;,, _�*.,* �� n�� ac4 <br /> . . . , . , <br /> e�e���e�t�e-c�-�1�-��c-k=��t�e-�eg�l-c�ess��ie�-e€-�e�t�-ir�,�,..�a ��;'„re-�e <br /> �,� � �'��„ ��* ����*�a ;+� -.�';a;*•,� �r�r���'�;,;+••.Extensions mav be �ranted bv <br /> either citv staff or the citv council nursuant to the followins: <br /> al (11 An extension of un to one vear mav be eranted bv citv staff unon the <br /> annlicant's reauest, nrovided that the reauest is made at least 60 calendar <br /> davs before the exniration of the variance. If an extension is �ranted. the <br /> variance shall exnire at the end of the extension neriod unless the annlicant <br /> a ulies to the citv council for an additional one vear extension. <br /> (21 If citv staff denies an annlicant's reauest for an extension. the annlicant <br /> mav reauest an extension from the citv council. The citv council mav <br /> Qrant an extension of un to one vear. If an extension is Qranted, the <br /> variance shall exnire at the end of the extension neriod unless the abt�licant <br /> a nlies to the citv council for an additional one vear extension. <br /> 1 The citv council mav erant an additional extension at the exniration of an <br /> extension eranted bv either citv staff or the citv council unon the annlicant's <br /> 154301v2 1 <br />