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ORDINANCE NO. 78 SERIES, THIRD SERIES <br /> AN ORDINANCE ADDING CI3APTER 51 TO TITLE V, PUBLIC PROTECTION, OF <br /> THE ORONO CITY CODE CONCERNING THE ORONO TOBACCO-FREE PARKS <br /> AND WORKPLACES ACT <br /> THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ORONO, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: <br /> SECTION 1. Chapter 51, Orono Tobacco-Free Parks and Workplaces Act, is added to the <br /> Orono City Code: <br /> Sec. 51-1. Intent and Findings. <br /> It is found and determined that tobacco use is a dan�er to the health safetv and general <br /> welfare of the communitv. <br /> (11 Numerous studies have found that tobacco smoke is a maior contributor to indoor <br /> air ollution and that breathin� secondhand smoke or environmental tobacco <br /> smoke is a cause of diseases such as lun�cancer, cardiovascular disease. and <br /> resniratorv disease and a cause of strokes and heart attacks <br /> (21 The Public Health Service's National Toxicolo�v Pro�ram has listed secondhand <br /> smoke as a known carcino�en. Accordin�to the United States Sur�eon General. <br /> there are more than 50 cancer-causin�chemicals in secondhand smoke <br /> (31 Secondhand smoke is narticularlv hazardous to the elderlv and those with <br /> cardiovascular disease and imnaired resniratorv function. Children exnosed to <br /> secondhand smoke have an increased risk and severitv of asthma resuiratorv <br /> infections. sudden infant death svndrome, develonmental abnormalities. cancer. <br /> and nremature death. <br /> (41 The United States Sur�eon General renorts that there is no risk-free level of <br /> exnosure to secondhand smoke and that even short exnosure to secondhand <br /> smoke can dama�e blood vessels. decrease coronavrv flow velocitv reserves. and <br /> reduce heart rate variabilitv. notentiallv increasin�the risk of a heart attack Even <br /> in healthv nersons,brief exnosure can lead to chan�es in the unner airwav. <br /> (51 Eliminating smokin�indoors and in enclosed snaces fullv nrotects nonsmokers <br /> from exnosure to secondhand smoke. Simnlv senaratin� smokers from <br /> nonsmokers. cleanin�the air. and ventilatin�buildin�s cannot eliminate <br /> exnosures of nonsmokers to secondhand smoke. Althou�h air cleaners can <br /> remove lar�e narticles from smoke. smaller narticles and �ases found in <br /> secondhand smoke cannot be removed from the air. <br /> 152965v2 j <br />