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, <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 26 , 3RD SERIES <br /> INTERIM ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES SECTION <br /> 462.355, SUBDIVISION 4, TO ESTABLISH A MORATORIUM PROHIBITING <br /> THE GRANTING OF PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION APPROVAL, ZONING <br /> (CUP/VARIANCE) APPROVAL, REZONING, OR PUD APPROVAL WITHIN <br /> THE MORATORIUM AREA AS DEFINED HEREIN. <br /> THE CITY OF ORONO ORDAINS: <br /> The Municipal Code of the City of Orono is amended by adding Ordinance No. 26, 3rd <br /> Series. <br /> SECTION 1. Statement of Policv. The City Council finds that the City is <br /> presently faced with the potential of applications for subdivision, rezoning, zoning <br /> (CUP/Variance), or PUD approvals for property within the Moratorium Area as defined <br /> in Section 2. <br /> It appears to the Council that the consequences of allowing such applications to be <br /> approved may be undesirable because the current ordinances may not be consistent with <br /> the City's zoning and development goals. The Council, therefore, finds that it is necessary <br /> to study the impact of development under current ordinances to determine whether they <br /> fulfill the underlying purposes of the City's land use and zoning provisions. <br /> The Council further finds that if, as a result of this study, the land use controls and zoning <br /> provisions contained in the City code need to be revised, such revision is a process that <br /> cannot be accomplished until a study has been completed and a hearing held. During this <br /> period, it is desirable that the Council establish guidelines for the benefit of those who <br /> wish to develop property in order to bring about savings of public and private <br /> expenditures and to provide the public guides to future City action. Since enactment of an <br /> amendment to the code would undoubtedly modify existing regulations concerning <br /> permitted land use and zoning performance standards, the granting of preliminary <br /> approval of subdivision applications, zoning (CUP/Variance) applications, rezoning <br /> applications, or PUD for property within the Moratorium Area would be contrary to the <br /> purpose of the zoning enabling act, Minnesota Statutes Section 462.351, et seq. The <br /> Council further finds that it would be unwise, improper and unjust to allow individual <br /> development to occur during this study. <br /> SECTION 2. Moratorium Area. As used in this Ordinance, Moratorium Area <br /> shall be defined as all real property zoned or used for commercial use adjacent to County <br /> Roads 15 and 19 within the Navarre commercial area in the City of Orono. <br /> SECTION 3. Studv The City Council requires its staff to initiate a study <br /> regarding the impact of development within the Moratorium Area under current <br /> ordinances to determine whether they fulfill the underlying purposes of the City's land use <br />