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MINUTES OF THE HRA MEETING HELD <br />^ffyn •-'Jj <br />JULY 26, 1993 <br />ROLL <br />The HRA met on the above date with the following members present: <br />Chair Gabriel Jabbour, Charles Kelley, Edward Callahan, and JcEllen <br />Hurr. J. Diann Goetten was absent. The following represented <br />staff: City Administrator Ron Moorse, Public Works Director John <br />Gerhardson and Recorder Teri Naab. Chair Jabbour called the meeting <br />to order at 7:15 p.m. <br />(#1) APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />It was moved by Callahan seconded by Jabbour, to approve the <br />minutes of the June 28, 1993 HRA meeting. Ayes 4, nays 0. <br />(#2) APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE OF PAYMENT #16 <br />Moorse stated they will retain 320,000 of the contract with <br />Steininger Construction. <br />Moorse stated they recommend a retainage of $4,000 from Midland <br />Nursery. <br />Hurr felt they should not pay for any of the dead trees or <br />plantings. She suggested they have the plantings that are ea <br />Replaced, and withhold a larger amount, such as $8,000 to cover any <br />additional plantings that would need to be replaced. <br />Moorse explained they have a one growing season warranty on any of <br />the plantings, which will be initiated whenever the dead planting., <br />are replaced. He added, this is not the correct season to replant. <br />Hurr suggested the dead plantings at least be removed as they are <br />unsightly. <br />Kelley asked who is responsible for the watering of the plantings. <br />He agreed with Hurr that they should withhold additional funds. <br />Gerhardson noted the City has been maintaining the sod. but he was <br />unsure about the responsibility of the plantings. <br />Hurr questioned whether there has been any leakage of the roof. <br />Moorse stated there has been some, but it is the responsibility of <br />Met Con. <br />Jabbour suggested the gable should be fixed on a permanent basif on <br />the Public Works building. <br />/