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MINUTES OF THE HRA MEETING <br />HELD MAY 24, 1993 <br />CHANGE ORDERS - CONT. <br />Jabbour reiterated the HRA should not be faced with approving a <br />change order after the fact. All members agreed. <br />Kelley Inquired about the standards being used for the design of <br />the exterior monument sign, and felt it should match the interior <br />sIgnage. <br />Moorse said the Architect was putting together a proposal which <br />would be ready for review next week. <br />Jabbour suggested an additional meeting with the Architect to <br />resolve other pending issues. He felt it would be helpful for staff <br />to prepare a list of flaws in the building, and recommend a <br />permanent remedy. <br />Goetten inquired as to the bidding situation with the Architect. <br />Mocrse said that would be reviewed this week. <br />It was moved by Goetten, seconded by Callahan, to approve the City <br />facilities change orders as presented, with the exception of Item <br />#7C. Ayes 5, nays 0. <br />(#4) APPLICATION A CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT il5 <br />Moorse reported the Architect and Construction Manager have <br />recommended payment, and staff has confirmed that the money Is due. <br />It was moved by Callahan, seconded by Goetten, to approve the City <br />facilities change orders as presented. Ayes 5, nays 0. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />It was moved by Callahan, seconded by Goetten, to adjourn <br />meeting at 7:33. Ayes 5, nays 0. <br />the <br />Gabriel Jabbouf*, Chair <br />Dorothy all in, City Clerk <br />4