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MINUTES OF THE <br /> ORONO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br /> Monday,April 12, 2010 <br /> 7:00 o'clock p.m. <br /> PL NING DEPARTMENT REPORT <br /> *5. #0 381 BARRY TANNER,3435 SHORELINE DRIVE (NAVARRE L ES)— <br /> CO IONAL USE PERMIT EXTENSION—RESOLUTION NO 25 <br /> Murphy moved, Bre seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 592 a Resolution Amending Resolution <br /> No. 5803, 3435 Shoreline ive. VOTE: Ayes 5,Nays 0. <br /> 6. CITY OF ORONO—C GES TO CHAPTER 7 , CONSTRUCTION OF SITE RUNOFF <br /> CONTROL—ORDINANCE O.69, THIRD S ES <br /> McMillan noted the last sentence in Section 3, , states that costs in excess of the amount of the security <br /> may be assessed to the property as special asse me s. McMillan commented that language is a little confusing <br /> given the section it is located in and sugge d that the age be moved to Section 5. <br /> Turner indicated she would make t change. <br /> McMillan moved,Breme seconded,to adopt ORDINANCE NO. 69, ird Series, an Ordinance <br /> Amending Chapter 7 of the Orono City Code Concerning Construction ' e Runoff Control,with the last <br /> sentence in Secti 3 being moved to Section 5,and to Adopt SiTMMARY O RDINANCE NO.69, <br /> THIRD SE S, an Ordinance Revising Chapter 79 of the Orono City Code Con uction Site Runoff <br /> Contr . VOTE: Ayes 5,Nays 0. <br /> *7. 700 BIG ISLAND—RESOLUTION REPLACING RESOLUTION NO. 1557—RESOLUTION <br /> NO. 5926 <br /> Murphy moved, Bremer seconded,to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 5926, a Resolution Approving a Lot Area <br /> Variance for Record Lot No. 9, Pursuant to Orono Code Section 78-563. VOTE: Ayes 5,Nays 0. <br /> MAYOR/COUNCIL REPORT <br /> Murphy asked what is happening with NAPA. <br /> White stated the owner of the building has decided to raise the tenant rates and that NAPA will be relocating to <br /> Spring Park. <br /> Murphy noted that Doug Franchot will be attending the April Planning Commission meeting in his place. <br /> Franchot stated the LMCC will be moving to the next stage regarding fiber optic,which is to reach out and <br /> communicate with the city administrators and mayors about the funding necessary for a full-scale plan. Franchot <br /> noted $1.4 million will be required to create a development plan. The LMCC will then go out and sell the bonds <br /> to construct the project. <br /> Murphy asked whether the project would be eligible for stimulus funds. <br /> Franchot indicated it would not be. <br /> ----------------------------...---------- Page 12 of 15 <br />