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� o� <br /> 0 0 <br /> �' �� - CITY of ORONO <br /> ,� . ;;- �, <br /> 1 " <br /> �'�L �� G~ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> 9kESH04� NO. 5 9 2 6 <br /> A RESOLUTION <br /> APPROVING A LOT AREA VARIANCE <br /> FOR RECORD LOT NO. 9 <br /> PURSUANT TO ORONO CODE SECTION 78-563 <br /> WHEREAS, the followin; property, also known as 700 Big Island or Record Lot No. 9, <br /> is situated on Bi� Island and is zoned RS Seasonal Recreational: <br /> PARCEL ID NO. 22-117-23-24-0008(Torrens) <br /> That part of Government Lot 6, Section 22, Township 1 17 North, Ran�e 23 West described as follows: <br /> Be�inning at the intersection of the South line extended of Lot H, Recreation Point(now vacated) with the � <br /> shore line of Lake Minnetonka;thence Southerly along said shore line to its intersection with the Southerly <br /> line extended of Lot A, said Recreation Point(now vacated); thence Northeasterly through a point marked <br /> with a Judicial Monument, distant 149 feet from the Southeast corner of said Lot A along the Southerly line <br /> thereof to the Southeast corner of said Lot, which corner is marked by a Judicial Monumenr, thence <br /> Northeasterly in a straiaht line to the Southwest corner of Lot V, said Addition (now vacated) which corner <br /> is marked by a Judicial Monument; thence Noirtheasterly along the Southerly line of said Lot V to the <br /> Southeast corner of said Lot;thence Nor[h alon�the East line of Lots V and U of said Recreation Point <br /> (now� vacated)to the Southeast corner of Lot T, said Addition, which corner is marked by a Judicial <br /> Monument; thence Westerly alonQ the South line of said Lot T to the Southwesterly corner thereof, which <br /> corner is marked with a Judicial Monument;thence Northwesterly in a strai�ht line to the Southeast corner <br /> of Lot H, said Addition, which corner is marked with a Judicial Monument; thence Northwesterly along the <br /> Southerly line of said Lot H through a point marked with a Judicial Monument distant 16� feet fi-om said <br /> Southeast corner of said Lot H to point of beginnin�; and. <br /> PARCEL ID NO. 22-1 17-23-24-0006(Torrens) <br /> Lots 27, 28, ?9, 30, 31 and 32 inclusive, Pleasant View, Lake Minnetonka, Hennepin County, Minnesota. <br /> The Southwest corner and the Southeast corner of said Lot 27 and the Northwest corner of said Lot 3�, are <br /> marked by Judicial Monuments and; <br /> WHEREAS, in adopting the RS Seasonal Recreation zonin� district regulations the City <br /> Council reviewed ownership, development and use patterns on Big [sland and determined that all the <br /> above described property combined is and shall hereinafter and henceforth be one "Record Lot" as <br /> defined by Orono Code Section 78-568; and <br /> WHEREAS, an application was filed for a lot area variance as outfined in Orono Code <br /> Section 78-563(a)(2); and <br /> WHEREAS, on September 26`'', 1983 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 1557 <br /> �rantinQ a lot area variance. <br /> Page 1 of 2 <br />