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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />No. 7429 <br />RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DONATION <br />WHEREAS, the following donors wish to make a donation to the City of Orono ("City") in <br />the amount listed below [for reasons as described]; and <br />Sponsor Description Value <br />Kottemann O1ihodontics Donation $500 <br />Orono Dental Donation $500 <br />Otten Brothers Donation $750 <br />Ben Goodwin Donation $2500 <br />The Walsh Family Donation $2500 <br />Lisa Erickson with Edina Realty Donation $250 <br />Orono Lions Club Grilling and Event Prep Services $1000 <br />Holiday/Circle K Brats, Hot Dogs, Buns $600 <br />Culvers Food Boats and Condiments $200 <br />Total $8700 <br />WHEREAS, the City is generally authorized to accept donations pursuant to Minnesota <br />Statutes§ 465.03 et seq. for the benefit of its citizens; and <br />WHEREAS, the City desires to accept the donations; and <br />WHEREAS, the donations have been contributed to the City for the benefit of its citizens; <br />and <br />[WHEREAS, the City agrees to perform the conditions on the donations, if any; and] <br />WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes§ 465.03 requires that all gifts and donations of real or <br />personal prope1iy be accepted only with the adoption of a resolution of the governing body by two­ <br />thirds of its members. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br />OF ORONO, MINNESOTA: <br />1.The donations described above are accepted and shall be used according to the terms of <br />the donation, as allowed by law. <br />2.The City clerk is hereby directed to issue receipts to each donor acknowledging the city's <br />receipt of the donation.