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r 1 <br />MINtTES OF THE ORONO PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION <br />WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2X 1994 <br />ROLL <br />The Orono Planning Commission met on the above date with the following members present; <br />Chair Charier, Schroeder, Janice Berg, Steve Peterson. Charles Nolan Jr. who arrived at 5:30 <br />p.m., and Sand\ Smith. City staff was repre.sented by Assistant Planning & Zoning <br />Administrator Michael Gaffron and Recorder Lin Vee. Members of the public present were <br />Gary DeSantis and Richard Anderson representing Sailors World; Tom Enlow, 3185 North <br />Shore Drive: Bev Blomberg, 3180 North Shore Drive; and JayAn Zullo, 3160 Nonh Shore <br />Drive. The meeting was called to order at 5:13 p.m. <br />Schroeder explained this work session was to continue discussion of the B-2 Marina Zone and <br />asked Gaffron to review past discussions. Gaffron continued that the Committee has been <br />working through a proposed draft ordinance and has discussed, parking requirements (one <br />of the main concerns with marinas), yard, landscape and area requirements, and about half of <br />the additional performance standards. Discussion needs to be continued regarding additional <br />performance standards; setbacks, hardcover, and tree removal; drainage; non-conforming uses; <br />variances and landscaping; regulations for docks; and finish discussion of permitted, accessory <br />and conditional uses. <br />Schroeder reviewed the requests by some marina owners to consider some non-traditional marina <br />activities such as cross-country ski rental, snowmobile repair and coffee shop operation. <br />Schroeder expressed his thoughts regarding fishing tournaments and was not opposed to them <br />as an accessory use provided there was a licensing prtKedure. Peterson noted the Chief of <br />Police approves such a license and can stipulate requirements for the operation of a tournament. <br />The Committee agreed to leave fishing tournaments as an accessory use. <br />Cross-country ski rental and sales were discus.sed. Although this is not a marina based activity, <br />there seemed to be no good reasons why this activity should not be allowed. DeSantis asked that <br />the Committee consider including cross-country ski rental and sales as an accessory use. All <br />members present were in agreement. <br />Discussion continued with snowmobile sales/rental/service and snowmobile lake operations base. <br />Peterson was opposed to any snowmobile activity at the marinas as it has nothing to do with <br />marina activities. He stated that if the marinas were called something else and the code <br />changed, then he would consider snowmobile activity. Schroeder agreed. <br />Anderson stated that until recently snowmobile sales haven't been profitable which is why <br />snowmobile sales have not been associated with marinas. Me noted that St. Alban’s Bay sold <br />Snow Jet and Yamaha as an accessor>’ use in the winter in 1969. Back when snowmobile sales <br />were good, it was a primar>' use for marinas in the winter. North Star (Lakeside) at one time