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Exhibit A <br />lnts ; and o. Rearranz!`eaL of Orono Point; j <br />Also: tl,at Fart r,; Lr,ts 9 and 10, Rearrangtaaent of Orono Point and <br />the accretions thtreto lying Southerly and lastcrly of the fellow- <br />inR deserib-d line: Cur tneing at a print in the centerline of <br />rAr.ttr Aver._: ;89.95 feet northerly from the Northwesterly corner <br />of Lnt 5. kearrartgtmtnt of Orono Point; thtnce southerly alring <br />O skid tenttrlin a distant of 5 feet; thence eouthwesterly on a <br />tangttttlel r:urve tri the right wit', t radius of 221.17 feet a dic- <br />� Lnnr-,e n! rg4,;1.4 feet.; th9•r. e�llthtte►,T►rty T.anQ?rT• t^ raid le 1'. <br />�. rleJrr _f:•;,l ,;ur-,e a distance of 5 feet; thence southwesterly on a <br />tei¢entiel t;urve to the richt a radius of 445.72 feet a distance <br />I o! feet; th-;nce southwesterly tangent to said last de- <br />ecri'_ d r.urv': a dietaact of 107.3 feet: tht:nct westerly taking an <br />ns male of 44 degret:s 42 tainutes to the right a distance of 79.3 <br />fe.t to the chore of LAka tlinnetonka and there terminatinn. eut,- <br />ject tr, [:order Avenue as oy.•ned by Liniment Me. 2092$85; <br />Also that 1 -art of vacated Center Avenue as said Center Avenue was <br />dedicated t6 the public in the plat of Reerrangeaent of Orono <br />Point, lying southerly of the westerly entneion of the northerly <br />line of Lot 4, maid Rearrengcnent of Orono Point and northerly of <br />e line drewe, wcettrly wi-tnditntlar to the west Lias of said frit 4 <br />from a yilnt on said west line distant 152.29 feet northerly fm <br />the southutz% corner of eeld Int 4; also that pert of the westerly <br />half eif vat:ated G ntar Avenue lying southerly of said above de- <br />ocrlbtd per;--ndicular lint: and also th&t tart of the westerly <br />half of var:+.,trd Center Avenue lying northerly of the westerly ex- <br />tension of tl,e northerly line of said Lot '4 and lyinr southerly of <br />a line drawn eeaterly at rishS angle3 ho the wtattrly line of said <br />vacated Center Avenue from this point of intersection of maid west- <br />erly lint with a line drawn 10 feet easterly of the following de- <br />acribed line: Cocpneing at a point in the centerline of said Can- <br />ter Avenue distant 586.95 feet northerly frog the northwesterly <br />corner of said Got 5; thence southerly along said conterlins n - <br />dietance of 5 feet to the point of beginning of the line Bing de- <br />acribed: thence aauthweaterly along a tangential curve to the <br />right with a radius of 221.17 feet a distance of 169.38 feet, and <br />said lint: there ending. <br />Also <br />litat tort of vacated Border Avenue as laid out and dedicated over <br />and across past of Lot 9 in -fid Rearrsnaemtnt of Orono Point <br />which lies between the westerly line of said 0enter Avenue and a <br />line drawn drawn across said Border Avenue at right angles to the <br />aide lineo of said Border Avenue from the mint of intersection of <br />the centerline of said Border Avenue with a line described as lot - <br />Iowa: Beginning at a point in the centerline of said Center Av- <br />enue distant 568.95 feet northerly of the northwest corner of said <br />Lot 5: thence southerly along the centerline of said Center Avenue <br />a distance of 5 feet; thence southerly and southwesterly along a <br />tangential curve to the right with a radius of 221.17 feet a dis- <br />tance of 169.36 feet: thence southwesterly tangent to last said <br />curve a distance of 5 feet; thence southwesterly along a tangen- <br />tial curve to the right with a radius of 445.72 feet a distance of <br />119.25 feet; thence southwesterly t usent to last said curve a <br />distance of 107.30 feet; thence eouthwesterly along a tangential <br />ru've to the left with a radius of 56 feet a distance of 19.7 <br />feet; thence southerly tangent to last said ct-ve a distance of <br />6.8 feet; thence southerly along a tangential curve to the left <br />with a radius of 169.7 feet a distance of 53.9 feet; thence ea :h- <br />erly tangent to last described curve a distance of 20.5 feet; <br />thence southerly on a tangential curve to the left with a radius <br />of 78.1 feet to its intersection with the centerline o1 said For- <br />dtr Avenue, and said line the." ending.,. .• <br />