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PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION: <br />Effluent shall be distributed over the filter material by three 1 1,2 inch diamcter perfurated pipes <br />under pressure 98 feet long. Perforation holes shall be 1/4 inch diameter drilled in a straight line <br />along the length of the pipe. Hole spacing Shall be 60 inches with 25 perforation per lav!ral. <br />Holes shall be drilled straight into the pipe anI not at an angle. A sharp drill shall be used and <br />any burrs in the inside of the pipe shall be removed. The perforated pi,)c laterals shall be <br />installed level with the perforations downward <br />The perforated pipe laterals shall be connected to a 2-inch diameter manifold pipe and shall have <br />their ends capped. The laterals shall be spaced 40 inches on center and at 20 inches from the <br />edge of the filter material. <br />The manifold pipe shall be connected to the supply pipe from the pump. The manifo!d shall be <br />sloped toward the supply pipe from the pipe. <br />Straw marsh hay to an un-compacted depth of 3 to 4 inches shall be placed over the filter <br />material. A layer of untreated building paper (red rosin) shall be placed over the hay or straw. <br />Geo-Textilc matcrial if approved by the County Building Inspector may also be used. <br />Construction vehicles shall not be allowed on the filter material until backfill is pla. cd. <br />Sandy loam soil shall be placed on the filter matcrial to a depth of 12 inches in the center of the <br />mound and to a depth of 6 inches at the sides. <br />Six inches of topsoil shall be placed on the fill matcrial over the entire area of the mound. A <br />grass covci shall be established over the entire area of the mound. No shrubs shall be planted <br />on the top of the mound. Shrubs may be placed at the foot and side slopes of the mound. <br />The side slopes of the mound will be 5 feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical (5:1). This gentle slope <br />will allow easy mowing of the grass cover. The soil material at the toe of the dike should be <br />slightly less permeable or somewhat tighter than the natural soil below the mound. This can be <br />accomplished by selecting a finer -oil or by compaction. <br />Whenever mounds arc located on slopes, a diversion shall be constructed immediately up slope <br />from the mound to intercept and divert runoff. <br />PUMP AND COLLECTION TANK: <br />A pump shall be used to deliver : fflucni to the mound. The pump shall be cast iron or bronze <br />fitted with stainless steel screws or constructed of other sound, durable and corrosion resistant <br />materials. <br />PAGE 4 <br />