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SITE EVALUATION REPORT <br />For Kraus Anderson <br />Sewage Treatment System <br />GENERAL INFORMATION <br />This desigii is for a Type 1, 8 bedroom home and in accordance with the Minnesota Pollution <br />Control Agency Standards and local ordinances. <br />A seasonally high water table was evidenced at 24 inches of depth in Soil Boring 2. The slope <br />is about 6%. <br />The soils at a depth of 12 in Test Hole 1-3 have a percolation rate of 14 minutes per inch. All <br />neighboring wells arc located more than 100' away from the proposed treatment area. <br />NOTES: <br />Keep all heavy equipment off the proposed treatment area before and after construction as much <br />as possible. The treatment area should be marked off before construction. <br />With proper installation and maintenance this system should have no problem in treating septic <br />effluent effectively. <br />It is recommended that the septic tanks be pumped every 2 years. <br />MOUND SYSTEM: <br />Flow: 8 bedroom = 150 gal lon/day/bcd room 150 x 8 = 1200 gallons per day. <br />1200 GPD x .83 = 1000 square feet. <br />10 -foot wide rock bed 100 feet long = 1000 square feet <br />CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: <br />A rubber -tired tractor may be used for plowing or disking to prepare the soil surface but in no <br />case shall :. rubber -tired tractor be used after the surface preparation is completed. A crawler <br />or tract -type tractnr shall be used for mound construction. <br />SOIL SURFACE PREPARATION: <br />The discharge pipe from the pump to the mound area shall be installed prior to soil surface <br />preparation. The trench excavated to install the discharge pipe shall be carefully backfilled and <br />compacted to prevent seepage of effluent. <br />PAGE 2 <br />