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CITY OF ORONO <br />Municipal Offices <br />Post Office Box 66 <br />Crystal Bay, NN 55323-0066 <br />O <br />G <br />ON—SITZ SEWAGE TREATMENT <br />INSPECTION REPORT <br />kftao <br />Owner: eel h %L14)"t?� Address:AM K t 71T <br />r- _ S n, <br />Permit /'s: n7)re Dates: Contractors: '— <br />City ordinance number 100 requires that each on-site sewage treatment system in Orono be inspected on a regular basis. <br />The on-site sewage treatment system at the above address has been inspected " appears to fall into the category <br />checked below. <br />(This is D4,an existing system ( ) new construction) <br />"CODE SYSTENII-A system which meets all the location, design, and construction standards of the current City <br />Codes, and which is operating satisfactorily by treatfng and disposing of the entire current sewage input <br />without discharging any pollutants into ground or surface waters. <br />"CONFORiING SYSTEM" -A system which does not sleet all the location, design, and construction standards of the <br />current City Codes but was installed according to the code in effect at the time of ;nstollation, and which <br />is operating satisfactorily by treating and disposing of the entire current sewage input without discharging <br />aarrtiyy pollutants into ground or surface waters. <br />IINON-CONFORMING SYStEf(11-A prohibited system; a system located within a designated 100 -year floodplain; any <br />system which may or may not meet all the location, design, and construction standards of the current City <br />Codes and which is failsrp for any reason; and any system with less than 3 feet of unsaturated soil or sand <br />between the distribution for <br />and the limiting soli characteristics. <br />(The limitinq soil characteristic I ) has or r)4.has not been identified at this time. If the limiting soil <br />characteristic has not been identified, this classification any be subject to revision.) <br />TANK CONDITION (5.10): <br />T Inspection indicates: <br />(sJ Pt" t not needed at this time. <br />3 <br />$alida accumulation in tanks indicates they should be p�spx� out this year to help prevent future problaae. <br />7 Solids accumulation in tanks is a: a critical level. Tanks should be puved out as soon as possible. <br />8 System is disccerharging to the surface. Tanks ant be pulped cut within 48 hours to eliminate surface discharge <br />9 Inspection ris misus <br />sing -tanks could not be inspected, inspection risers (411 dia. pipe) oust be installed in -each <br />tank at next puapout. if tanks have not been pumped out within the last three years, they should be pumped <br />out now. <br />10 Inspection pipe Is located directly over tank baffle (does not give accurate measurement of solids accumulation). <br />if tanks have not been pined out within the last three years, they should be pumped out now. <br />Dr�(fifield f tion indicates: <br />1 Drainfiis dry, no surfacing evident. <br />Some evidence of surfacing, not critical yet. <br />13 Drainfield is saturated and visibly discharging untreated effluent to the surface. Contact the City <br />Immediately. Repairs must be completed within 90 days, Inspector <br />14 Drainfield extent and condition unknown. <br />UNITING <br />SITE <br />FACTORS (slope <br />setbacks etc ): <br />POTENTIAL <br />FOR <br />SYSTEM FAILURE <br />(depends on soils ester table etc ):� <br />COMMENTS: <br />Date of Inspection <br />nspector <br />Note: In the event that this inspection report is used to satisfy the requirements for a mortgage or other transfer of <br />properly be advised <br />thately this ine orto�henoguarantee or certify that an existing system will continue to function <br />nformstion. op gusty of the syste" under current conditions based on the available <br />This report must be kept on the premises with the system locstn m and pupping records. <br />WHITE COPY Inspectors File YELLOW COPY Homeowres <br />