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on rbc Atirrb Show r,f <br />Lake 11nini-tonkrf <br />ON-SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT POST OFFICE BOX 66 <br />INSPECTION REPORT <br />_ 1335 S. Brown Rd. <br />Crystal Bay, MN 55323 <br />473.7357 <br />OWNER rnk-, `S P. 1 I ' bl.40 ADDRESS �rY i F' fGf kali s 6*.r'4 RDE"d <br />PERMIT NO.'S. DATES CONTRACTORS -- -- <br />City Ordinance No. 210 requires that each on-site %4 Nga treatment system in Orono be inspected on a regular tsasil The on-site sewer <br />treatment system at the above address has been inspected and apprars to fait into the category checked below <br />(This .s 51' an existing system ❑ new con►trucuon) <br />O1 Meats or exceeds current City standards .n all respects relating to design, construction, and location. Appear to be operating <br />property. <br />®2 Does not meet all current City standards for new construction 11978 Codel but in n.ost respects appears to tie designed. <br />located, and constructed generally in accordancr vrth previnus codes. System appears to be functioning properly: no major <br />upgred,ng of the system is required at this time. <br />O 3 Does not meet current City standards in manv respects relating in design. construct.on. or location. Ap>tears to be rweratinq <br />adequately at this time, but has a ielat.vety higi. potential for torture problems No major utsgriding of system is requited at <br />this time. <br />4 System may or may not meet current City standards lot design, construction or Incation, but is failing to properly treat and <br />dispose o1 the current input, and is endangering a water supply, or is e source of pollution to surfacrt or groundwatets, or It <br />creating a safety hoard, or is otherwise cieatrng a pudic nuisance. Please contact the City Inspector to lhtcus► syslem repau/ <br />replacement procedures. If dramfietd replacement .s necessary. sod testing will usually be requited, and a design and site Wan <br />must be submitted pot rev.ew. Your contractor must obtain a permit before work is slatted. <br />SYSTEM CONDITION ( ® Checked .-ems may require your <br />Tank inspection indicate. <br />® Pumpout not needed et this time. <br />❑ Solids accumulation in tanks indicates they should to point). <br />ed out this year to help prevent future problems. <br />❑ Solids accumulation in tank% is at a critical ievwl. Tanks <br />should be pumped out as won as possible. <br />❑ System is discharging to Willem- Tanks must be pumped <br />within 48 hours to eliminator surface dt$charge. <br />❑ Inspection risers missing—tanks could not be inspected. <br />Inspection risers 114" dia. pipe) must be installed in each tank <br />at next pumpo it. If lank$ have not been pumped out within <br />the Int 1hF" years, they should be pumped out now, <br />SITE CHARACTERISTICS <br />Limiting Site Factors <br />❑ Slope <br />❑ Sod <br />❑ High water table <br />❑ Lot <br />❑ Lake, wetlane . or stream <br />❑ Drainage <br />COfiAMFNTS <br />❑ Inspection pipe is located directly over tank baffle. (Does not <br />give accurate measurement of Solid$ accumulation.) If tanks <br />have not been pumped out within the Int three years. they <br />should be pumped out now. <br />Orainfield inspection indicates <br />® DrainHeld is dry. no surfacing evident; <br />❑ Some evidence of surfacing, not aitiCal yet. <br />❑ Drainfteld is saturated and visibly discharging untreated <br />effluent to the surface. This condition may requite replace- <br />ment or addition$ to drainfield. Contact the City Inspector <br />immediately. Repairs must be completed within 90 days. <br />❑ Drainf leld extent and condition unknown. <br />Potential for System Failure <br />Site Capabilities for <br />(depends on Soil types, water <br />Future Expansion <br />�'9 Adequate <br />table, and system condition) <br />L) Farr <br />® Low <br />® Medium <br />O Poor <br />❑ High <br />L] Inadequate <br />❑ System is cowing visible <br />surface discharge <br />-7- 23-17 <br />Date of Inspection septic <br />Note In the event that this inspection report is used to satisfy the requue.nents fur a mortgage or other transfer of property, to advised that <br />this report does not guarantee or certrly that an existing system will continue to function property. but is merely an opinion of the adequacy <br />of the system under current conditions based on the wadable information <br />This report must be kept un rho prrvnlses with system location and purnpinq records, <br />W141TE COPY I Inspector's f h. GOLD COPY 1 Homeowner <br />