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CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. __;1_6 17 '- <br />a. The proposed excavation and filling is to alloxv for the waterproofing of an <br />existing tunnel leading from near Bracketts Point Road to the basement of the <br />greenhouse. A portion of that tunnel is in the 0-75' lakeshore setback zone <br />where no excavation, grading or filling is normally allowed <br />b. Work on the retaining walls at the entrance to the tunnel was approved with <br />Resolution leo.: 53q on March 1= . 1995, but the information with that <br />varianceiconditional use permit request did not indicate the proposed <br />excavation, waterproofing/fiI)ine/regrading work was intended. <br />Applicant's contractor removed a :6" elm tree in the 045" 5' zone without <br />obtaining a permit as required by Zoning Code Section 10.2=. Subdivision <br />and Section 10.16. Subdivision 16 (11. Removal of this tree was necessan- <br />in order to allow proper completion of the proposed waterproofing work. <br />d. The applicants propose to mitigate the loss of the 36•' elm b% planting t-wo <br />41/." diameter maples in its place. <br />Applicants propose to complete the excavation and waterproofing work and <br />restore the site to existing grades in a timclN manner. <br />The Citi Council has considered this application including the findings and <br />recommendations of the Planning Commission, reports by City staff, comments by <br />the applicant and the effect of the proposed variance on he health, afety and welfarr <br />of the community. <br />The Citi• Council finds that the conditions existing on this propem are peculiar to <br />it and do not appy generally to other propem in this zoning district: that granting <br />the variance and conditional use permit would not adversely affect traffic conditions. <br />liphL air nor pose a fire hazard or other dancer to neighboring properties. would not <br />merely serve as a comenicnce to the applicant. but is necessary- to alleviate a <br />demonstrable hardship or difficulty: is necessan to preserve a substantial propem <br />right of the applicant: and would be in keeping %%ith the spirit and intent of the <br />Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plw. of the Cite. <br />Page 2 of 7 <br />