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CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO., Sc� <br />C On-site septic testing has been completed for the proper[\ and testing has <br />confirmed there is adequate area and suitable soils for development of on- <br />site systems to sen•e the principal structure and the residential units within <br />the oversized accessor-y structure. <br />The Cit% Council finds that granting a conditional use permit to allo\� the studio <br />apartment resulting rc a total of six bedrooms within the acce�son structure on <br />the propert" will not be detrimental to the health. safes or general welfare of the <br />public. woulo no: adversely affect light. air nor pose a fire hazard or other danger <br />to neighboring properties. nor will its use depreciate surrounding propem values <br />and that the proposed level of use of the propem will he in keeping with the <br />intern and objectives of the Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan of the Cin <br />The Cit% Council has considered this application including the findings and <br />recomendations of the Planning Commission. reports c;y st;�t-f and comments of <br />m <br />the applicants and the affect of the proposed use on the health, safety ,and �velfarc <br />of the community. <br />CONCLUSIONS. ORDER AND CONDITIONS <br />Based upon one or more of the above findings. the Orono Cit'- Council hercb) <br />grants a conditional use permit per Municipal Zoning Code Section 10.28. Subdivision 3 (A) to <br />permit the installation of a studio apartment within an accessory structure that already contains <br />a three bedroom caretaker apartment and two bedroom guest house apartment. subject to the <br />following conditions: <br />L"ri i! the extension of sewer has been resolved for this property. the on-site septic <br />manager shall complete inspections every Two months to ensure there is no <br />failure. Applicantis advised tha: should the systems fail during this period of <br />time. the Cit,- shall require the pumping of septic tanks as needed and or limited <br />use or partial use of the bedrooms within the accessory structure until structure <br />is served by a conforming sewage disposal system. <br />Applicants" contractor to obtain a building permit for the installation of the studio <br />apartment within the upper level of the accessory structure on the propem. <br />Paee 2 of 6 <br />