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CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLMON OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />No. 4 5 8 <br />A. 'Che property consists of 13.5 acres. <br />B. The structures on the property were constructed prior to development of <br />standards for residential construction on Lakeshore properties. <br />C. On-site septic testing has been completed for the property and testing, has <br />confirmed there is adequate area and suitable soils for development of on- <br />site septic systems to serve the principal structure and the caretaker <br />residence within the oversized accessory structure. <br />The City Council finds that the conditions existing on this property are peculiar <br />to it and do not apply generally to other property in this zoning district; that <br />granting the variance would not adversely affect traffic conditions, light, air nor <br />pose a fire hazard or other danger to neighboring property; would not merely <br />serve as a convenience to the applicants, but is necessary to alleviate a <br />demonstrable hardship or difficulty; is necessary to preserve a substantial property <br />right of the applicants, and would be in keeping with the spirit and intent of the <br />Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan of the City. <br />5. The City Council has considered this application including the findings and <br />recommendations of the Planning Commission, reports by City staff, comments <br />by the applicants and the effect of the proposed variance on the health, safety and <br />welfare of the community. <br />CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS <br />Based upon one or more of the unique findings and hardships, the Orono City <br />Council hereby grants variances to Municipal Zoning Code Section 10.03, Subdivision 9 (C-2) <br />and Section 10.23, Subdivision 6 (B) to permit structural repairs to the nonconforming oversized <br />accessory structure that does no, meet the required side yard setback or allowed area for an <br />accessory structure, subject to the following conditions: <br />The City has approved these structural improvements to the guest re--idence with <br />the understanding that the applicants will either install a conforming on-site septic <br />system or connect to municipal Sewer during the 1995 construction period. The <br />City once again notes the letter from Thomas Croshy, Jr., applicants' attorney, <br />Page 2 of 7 <br />