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CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLLMO\ OF THE CITY COC'\CII. <br />EXHIBIT ,a <br />n:c(`7TDr�f fL c�;•rr,-c c11�=J: t.. <br />Lnta `, and 6, f.,&rr&ngt=ent of Orono Point; <br />Alec: that past o: LrJts 9 en l 10. P.ea_ : erre=tn: of Orcno Point tnd <br />th4 fcllaw <br />Ing described lint: CL r.rrc:ng at a ao: i- rti ctrattrl: h of <br />Center Avenue 5ES.95 feet northerly !rco tht�Aorthwest'rly corner <br />of Lr,t t, kesrranv=ent of Or= FfArt :hertt southerly &long <br />s&id center'_int a distance of 5 feet; then- er�uthwteterlY cn a <br />tJut¢ential carve to the right with a rttilus 4f 2::.17 feet k d!s- <br />tance of 169..19 :drtt; thence aouthwesthrly tanzent to tail Last <br />deacrit,ed r:.:.^vt a distance of 5 feet: t.0knot afn::hweettrly on a <br />ttr.gtnt:al cur-. -e, to the ric:.: a rkdit, Of 445.72 :tt t a dlst'L"t <br />of 119.25 fttt; :hence tau:hwest_rly tr_-;:tnt try ea:d 1&:: 6" <br />errited curve & ri:att-rce of 107.3fee'.: •ht^..:t wtettrlY =sic -=Z L. <br />&Telt of 44 degre-e 42 Ci nu'tas to tht rim::S iiatbl.Ct of 79. <br />feet to tht share of Lake liiroetcr a tnd t`tre i :g; su:,- <br />:ec: L4 Forder Avenue ab open h' r':=ant rrJ. 20929'8; <br />Alao that part of vacated Chrter Avenue a: aa:ei Ginter Avtmae was <br />dedicated to the public in the :-t of P.earruYement of Orono <br />-lint, lylna scut:.nrlY of the weaterly e.:.tnaiOn Of 1-h0, northerly <br />lire of Loot 4. said Raarranjexnt Of rP—.—.o point and nnrthtrly Of <br />a lint dr •un wteter'Y pen--ndicultr to •ht west l_re of acid Lot 4 <br />: cr:htrl <br />frca a ;.-Int on Bald wast 1!nE d! eta:.: 182.29 ftt : Y r r;!m <br />the eouthvtet Corntr of &aid Lct 4: t:^..t ,Par. cf •`t ueste-ly <br />itlf of vacated Center Avenue lyin; of et id kt,ove dt- <br />ecritJed ver-.y!rdiculkr lirb: a_td aleO the-- ;.-r*. of t,ve wtaterlY <br />half of vs.ated Center Avem:e lying northtrlY of the wraterly ex- <br />tension of the northerly lire of said int '4 and lyinc enuthorly of <br />is line drawn easterly at ria: t a=ngles ito trt Wtattriy .line of e.aid <br />acated Center Avenue fry the point of intersection of &aid wdat- <br />verly line with a 14—re d=awn 10 fest eas--er1Y of following Cie- <br />ecribed line: Co= rxi= at a Doint In tw- centerline o: aaid C6n- <br />ter Avenue distant 88.95 feet northerly frcm the northwesterly <br />earner of &hitt Lot 5: the=ca acutherly a'_orz said centerlinz a <br />distance of 5 feet to the pow_ o: btig'r iw of th+ lire being de- <br />scribed; thence aouthwaeterly along a ta:.gential curve to the <br />richt with a radius of 221.17 feet a diatt_ze Of 169.38 feet. a:.d <br />said lire there ending. <br />